Lawless in Lee Park

Sandersville,” a deliberate, legally fictitious creation of Charlottesville City Manager Sam Sanders, is blossoming in Lee Park.

Born in the spirt of lawlessness, the burgeoning homeless encampment has quadrupled in size since our first documentation of its existence.

A tour-the-camp “open house” is scheduled from noon to 2 PM on Saturday, October 21, in which treats will be served to the kiddies (without proper food licensing permits) and Narcan will be provided for overdosing adults in attendance.

Interestingly, the supposition of this “open house” is that the park no longer belongs to the public, and those wishing to visit must only do so if and when invited—and that actually appears to be the case!

Now that Sanders has threatened to pull-the-plug on his family-like impromptu campground community, entrenched beneficiaries are pushing back on the City Manager’s October 21 vacate order. One “resident” pondered aloud about what Sanders might do, if Sandersville campers refuse to comply. (see video below)

In the meantime, Sanders’ neophyte reaction to a false allegation (since disproven) of police brutality ironically may cause far more pain to both police and campers, than had the City Manager simply allowed police to enforce existing law.


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