In what may be the work of angry supporters of defeated Democrat Congressman, Tom Perriello, a Robert Hurt U.S. Congress campaign sign was defaced over the weekend. “KILL” was spray-painted in large black letters over Hurt’s printed name.

The vandalism took place at Auburn Hill Farm in Albemarle County sometime between Friday evening and Sunday morning. Steve Peters, the farm’s owner, has reported the incident to the FBI as a possible safety threat to Representative-elect, Robert Hurt.

Republican Hurt defeated incumbent Perriello in the November 2, 2010 general election and will represent Virginia’s Fifth District in the 112th Congress.

View the vandalized Hurt signs:


  1. M@gnolia,
    Why do I not recall anyone making such a bland inquiry or presumption, when Tom Perriello’s brother had his gas line cut. The hypocrisy is too much. If a conservative is attacked or threatened, no biggie. Let it go the other way, no excuses. Its turned into a federal case and national news. Please?

  2. I not recall anyone making such a bland inquiry or presumption, when Tom Perriello’s brother had his gas line cut.

    I recall conservatives suggesting a liberal had done it in order for conservatives to get the blame. Whoever sprayed that sign ought to face strong consequences, and I’m not excusing it, but it could very well have been a teenage prank, and not an actual threat. (Poor Hurt doesn’t either way, though). What was done to Perriello’s brother could have caused real harm, and for that reason does not look like a prank.

  3. In the season of forgiveness, is it asking too much
    for political signs to be taken down? I remember
    when general elections were held in November. I guess
    they are year-round. In the spirit of Muharram and
    Bodhi days, please take them down and give our eyes
    a rest until 2011.

  4. Yeah, why *are* these political signs still up?? The election was over a month ago. I see people with Periello signs in their yards. Time to give it up people. You lost, accept it and move on. :D I always thought it was funny to see the “Hurt” and “Periello” signs side by side. Hurt always seemed to be placed in front of, or to the left of, Periello’s, so the message seemed to be “Hurt Periello.”

  5. You lost, accept it and move on.

    Alright, fine. We’ll take down our Perriello signs as soon as you put away your Confederate flags.

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