Breaking news: Tea Party chair calls for Clark to “bow out” of 5th District...

You heard it first on The Schilling Show Blog and News: JATP Responds to Jeffrey Clark (I, VA05) Charlottesville, VA - October 22, 2010 ...

Fear and loathing in Charlottesville: Local doctors fight for their livelihood

Exclusive to The Schilling Show Blog and News, following is advance copy of an ad placed by local physicians and health care professionals, to...

Guest editorial: Doctors are NOT public servants, Tom Perriello

Guest editorial: Doctors are NOT public servants, Tom Perriello by Steve Peters httpv:// Just days before Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello voted YES on the Obama Medical Takeover...

Guest editorial: Tom Perriello’s question of conscience

Tom Perriello's question of conscience by Steve Lopez In 2008 Congressman Tom Perriello was interviewed by 1070 WINA talkshow host Rob Schilling in the run up...

Breaking news: Jeff Clark offers conditional withdrawal from 5th District congressional race

In response to an October 6, 2010 Jefferson Area Tea Party "request for accountability," Jeff Clark, independent candidate for Congress in Virginia's 5th District,...

Overpaid and underqualified: $93k Charlottesville spokesman are grammatically challenged [sic]

With all of the talk across America about overpaid government employees, we have a prime example of outrageous compensation excess right here in Charlottesville:...

Tom Perriello: A pro-life fraud

Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello tells conservatives that he's pro-life. Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello tells liberals that he's pro-"choice." Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello wants each of his...

Prediction: City school board will appoint Smith to fill Edwards’ seat

The elected Charlottesville School Board will meet in secret this evening to fill a vacancy—via appointment— created by the unexpected resignation of Dr. Alvin...

Guest editiorial: Do the 5th District congressional candidates understand the fallacy of birthright citizenship?

Do the 5th District congressional candidates understand the fallacy of birthright citizenship? by: Michael Del Rosso A recent Daily Progress story reports that no 5th District...

Guilt by association: Szakos removes controversial Obama sign to protect Perriello?

For nearly two years a hand-made homage to Obama—artistically interpreted in mosaic tile—alternately cheered and annoyed travelers on Charlottesville’s Route 250 by-pass. Then, one day,...