Guest editorial: Albemarle red-light cameras—is there really a safety improvement?

Albemarle red-light cameras—is there really a safety improvement? by National Motorists Association The Albemarle, VA police recently released red-light camera data for the Rio Road and...

Deception in taxation: ATTA uncovers Albemarle utility billing rip-off

Following an embarrassing sales-tax collection debacle that enriched Charlottesville City at the expense of Albemarle County, the Albemarle Truth in Taxation Alliance has uncovered...

Ignoramus: Leftist Mayor Norris promotes class warfare, denigrates Tea Party

At a recent news conference, President Obama called for unity over divisive rhetoric in the aftermath of the Tuscon shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords...

Dominique does socialism: Potty-mouthed Western Albemarle teacher wants U.S. to convert!

35 Charlottesville’s downtown mall is fertile ground for nascent eco-socialists, aggressive progressives, citizen-collectivists and other like-minded political degenerates. At any given time, a panoply of...

Guest editorial: The sound of silence

The sound of silence by Hank Martin According to historians, the personal journal of England’s King George III, the entry for July 4, 1776 is recorded...

Guest editorial: Let’s build the earthen dam at Ragged Mountain

Let's build the earthen dam at Ragged Mountain by Vic Peña Over the past few weeks, in conversations with my friends and neighbors in the...

Charlottesville’s twisted eco-socialism: Norris, Marx, abortion, property rights, and saving the trees

Charlottesville City Council is troubled over the destiny of local trees. Born of this concern is the Charlottesville Tree Commission, an advisory body charged...

Guest editorial: President Obama’s negative rights

President Obama's negative rights by Jeff Van Wickler In the past, President Obama has spoken about the Constitution as a charter of negative rights. The President was,...

Merry Christmas from The Schilling Show

The Schilling Show and the Schilling family extend Christmas greetings to our blog and radio audiences. Thank you for your patronage and support. Click to...

Gary’s golden parachute: O’Connell milking Charlottesville taxpayers for $145k per year in “retirement”?

Open and transparent government: that was the motto of Charlottesville’s elected Democrats for many years during the regime of former City Manager Gary O’Connell. It...