Guest editorial: Charlottesville’s do gooders, don’t get it

Charlottesville’s do gooders, don’t get it by Steve Lopez So what happens when a bunch of men and women with doctorate degrees read that Charlottesville is...

Breaking news: Perriello campaign owes Charlottesville $15k+ for Obama visit?

City, Perriello spokesman collude to promote campaign “public relations” The campaign of Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello owes Charlottesville city taxpayers at least $15,178.22 according to...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: Solutions for providing fiscally responsible health care

Solutions for providing fiscally responsible health care by Kline Bolton, MD Health Care Providers, patients, and others in the health care system agree that the system...

Shock video: Perriello supporter’s vicious verbal assault

This just in... An unidentified supporter of Democrat Tom Perriello erupts in violent outburst at the sight of Americans for Prosperity "November is Coming" signs....

Consensus reached: Tom Perriello is a socialist

During last Friday’s Obama-led campaign rally at the Charlottesville Pavilion, followers of Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello braved long queues in order to witness the...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: No matter what, vote!

No matter what, vote! by Tim Griffith The man that holds our nation's highest office, Barack Hussein Obama, was placed in office by all of those...

Tom Perriello’s campaign nightmare: I’m the President and I’m here to help you

With embattled Democrats across America actively disassociating themselves from President Obama, Virginia 5th District Congressman Tom Perriello has been “graced” with an unexpected last-minute...

Virginia Ballot Questions 2010: Vote NO on 1, 2, and 3

Why you should vote NO on Virginia 2010 Ballot Questions #1, #2, and #3 by Rob Schilling On November 2, 2010 Virginians will be faced with...

Endorsement embarrassment: Realtor PAC eschews embattled Perriello

Hot on the heels of the Veterans of Foreign Wars moving to dissolve the affiliated VFW-PAC that endorsed him, there is another endorsement-related embarrassment...

Guest editorial: What’s at stake—The Importance of the election

What’s at stake—The Importance of the election by Hank Martin This upcoming election, as are all of the elections to follow in the near future, will...