Guest editorial: NPR, bias, and evidence based policy

NPR, bias, and evidence based policy by Jeff VanWickler I like National Public Radio. I just wish they weren't getting my tax money. After the primaries for...

Rob Schilling addresses Jefferson Area Tea Party free speech rally

In this exclusive video, Schilling Show host, Rob Schilling, discusses free speech, equal protection under the law and the 14th Amendment, rewarding of scofflaws...

Loose lips: Charlottesville city hall tips media to Tea Party event application

In an egregious breach of operational, organizational, and professional ethics, an unnamed government “official” inside Charlottesville City Hall selectively has divulged confidential and previously...

Rule of law(lessness): Charlottesville city manager orders police to NOT enforce law on Occupy...

At the behest of an anarchistic City Council, Charlottesville City Manager, Maurice Jones, ordered the Charlottesville Police Department to refrain from enforcing city curfew...

A porta-potty in every park: Councilor Szakos wants free portable commodes for illegal occupiers

Bending over backwards to accommodate the law-skirting Occupy Charlottesville movement, last evening City Councilor Kristin Szakos upped the ante on her fellow Democrats with...

Cold stone crazy: Charlottesville city using capital improvement funds to buy “free” ice cream...

First it was the grand vote-buying scheme of government-sponsored pizza parties, courtesy of councilor Kristen Szakos. Now, Charlottesville’s City Council Democrats are using publicly...

Flip-flop: Charlottesville city capitulates on banned political sign

Less than two days after receiving intense negative publicity on its attempt to ban political signage from a private residence, Charlottesville City Hall has...

Sign off: Charlottesville City orders political sign removed from private residence

In violation of the city’s own ordinance, a Charlottesville homeowner has been threatened by local government for displaying a political sign in his yard. On...

Overexposed: Greene County Superintendent removes controversial picture from web

A controversial photograph of Greene County Schools Superintendent, David Jeck, has been removed from the division’s web site. The picture, which shows Dr. Jeck and...

Guest editorial: Regional Jail inmates want Narcotics Anonymous meetings

By Raymond W. Mason Inmate, Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail For the last month, I have been trying to have Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings in Housing Unit...