Photo exposé : Ongoing and dangerous illegal parking at Albemarle High School

Ongoing and dangerous illegal parking at Albemarle High School By Jorge Brooks, Jr. After attending a few sporting events at Albemarle High School (AHS) this fall...

Guest editorial: World Class, my a$$

World Class, my a$$ By Bill Smith 27% live in poverty One-party tyranny Low paying jobs Occupy Cville mobs Cost of living through the roof Power elite, arrogant and aloof World Class,...

Guest editorial: A miracle on Commonwealth

A miracle on Commonwealth By Steve Lopez We had a night to remember at the abortuary on Commonwealth Drive...just around the corner from the Pregnancy Centers...

Breaking news: JATP Leadership statement about the “occupation” of Lee Park

On October 17, 2011, the Charlottesville City Council unanimously voiced their political kinship with Occupy Charlottesville (OC) and effectively tossed sensible ordinances out the...

Desperately ignorant: Houck invokes Thomas Jefferson to justify pro-abortion voting record

In a November 4 joint appearance with fellow Democrats at the University of Virginia, embattled State Senator Edd Houck (VA-17), made an historical misattribution...

Where’s the beef: Occupy Charlottesville flanking state food safety laws?

First it was illegal occupation of Lee Park, then underage drinking in an on-site tent, on the heels of unpermitted construction, followed by requests...

Paradise defiled: Occupy Charlottesville seeks rape whistle donations

Born of lawlessness, the ongoing Occupy Charlottesville (OC) demonstration in Lee Park is turning ugly. Yesterday, three homeless men were arrested there for (among...

Sample ballot: Prognostication of Progress picks for provincial political positions

It’s a highly anticipated central Virginia tradition: Each year, regional candidates, their campaigns, and the public anxiously await dilatory (and greatly coveted) political endorsements...

Poison pen: Chichester endorses fellow liberal Houck

In a stunningly shortsighted display of political hubris, Democrat Senator Edd Houck has given voters in Virginia’s 17th District the best reason yet to...

Subversive sustainabilists: Communists and Marxists infiltrate Albemarle County government

  In its million-dollar maniacal pursuit to implement the 1998 Sustainability Accords in Albemarle County and Charlottesville, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) has...