Strange and stranger: Analyzing Chris Dumler’s bizarre sexual battery plea

Albemarle County Board of Supervisor member, Christopher J. Dumler, has pled guilty to sexual battery, a Class 1 misdemeanor, under Virginia § 18.2-67.4: A. An...

Supervisors sound off: Board colleagues comment on Dumler sex conviction

In the aftermath of Albemarle County Board of Supervisors member Christopher Dumler’s sexual battery conviction, The Schilling Show solicited his fellow board members for comment: Ken Boyd...

The Origin of our American Creed

In his second inaugural address, Barack Obama challenged us to live out the meaning of our creed as stated in the Declaration of Independence....

On the presence of evil

Men do not believe in a devil now, as their fathers used to do. They force the door of the broadest creed, to let his...

Zap: Moat Monster slays Norrishood’s future council dreams?

The Moat Monster’s (aka Kristin Szakos) recent reelection announcement likely was the death knell for fellow Councilor and former running mate Norrishood’s (aka Dave...

Dr. Charles Battig given Schilling Show Citizen Patriot Award

Dr. Charles Battig is the first awardee of The Schilling Show Citizen Patriot Award, presented for exemplary service to the cause of liberty. Dr. Battig,...

The Oath of Office: Making it meaningful again

Barack Obama will soon stand before Chief Justice John Roberts to recite the presidential oath of office—with his left hand on the Bible and...

Sandy Hook and the ongoing casualties of the culture war

In this New Year, the issue of gun control is sparking considerable debate. The politicians are already attempting to make legislative hay over this...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: The gun show loop hole fallacy

Folks who speak the words, “Gun Show Loop Hole,” often use cryptic tones of voice to help create the idea that something evil is...

Bye, bye Barrick: Disgraced Charlottesville spokesman finally booted

With little fanfare, former Charlottesville City Government mouthpiece, Ric Barrick, has finally decoupled from the public teat and slithered out the alley exit of...