Sick City: Charlottesville library’s vile kiddie sex and abortion fest

In the shadow of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, a spiritual sickness flourishes. Courtesy of the Jefferson Madison Regional Library (JMRL) system and the Charlottesville National...

Overtaxed: Lawrence Gaughan goes gonzo on Brad Sheffield (video)

Q. What does independent Board of Supervisors candidate, Lawrence Gaughan, think of incumbent Democrat Albemarle County Supervisor, Brad Sheffield? A. Not much!

Family Feud: Albemarle Dems Shun Lawrence Gaughan

There is no love lost between Albemarle County Democrats’ chair, Richard Brewer, and Rivanna District supervisor candidate wannabe, Democrat Lawrence Gaughan (née Went). Gaughan, whose...

More, More, More: Diantha McKeel’s insatiable appetite for higher taxes (video)

Albemarle County's Jack Jouett District Supervisor, Diantha McKeel, has a thing for taxes. From candidate McKeel’s “all choked up” performance in response to a question...

Guest editorial: A Jefferson birthday holiday?

A Jefferson birthday holiday? by Lowell Ponte Thomas Jefferson, had he survived, would have been 273 years old on April 13, 2016. Jefferson's April 13th birthday should...

The Blue Spade Sings: Who Said We Didn’t Build That

The long, storied, and sometimes sordid history of Charlottesville, Virginia is put to song by Scott Bandy, aka The Blue Spade. Set to the tune...

Schilling Show wins Associated Press award

Rob Schilling, host of WINA’s The Schilling Show, was recognized with a “Superior Award for Best Investigative Reporting” by the Associated Press. Awards were presented...

Schilling Show Bestows 3rd Annual Citizen Patriot Award

Chris Winter is the 3rd annual awardee of The Schilling Show Citizen Patriot Award, presented for exemplary service to the cause of liberty. Mr. Winter...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: Incumbency Protection is a Despot’s Dream

By Connie Stevens "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton 1887 One of the main things which so turns many people...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: PEC’s harebrained Keswick roundabout scheme

By Diane Weber The Problem Traffic along Rt. 22/231 has undergone a transition over the last 20 years. The number of vehicles using the road has been...