Y’all stop beatin’ up on Rand Paul

Members of the establishment right hating Rand Paul is like a kid hating ice cream because it has the wrong colored sprinkles on top....


The four words “established by the state” that allowed the Supreme Court to give Obamacare a pass today is so symbolic to what has happened...

Bad dog: Greene’s Barkley again ignores FOIA, twists truth in loan debacle

  After being threatened with a FOIA-related lawsuit in May, Greene County Administrator, John C. Barkley capitulated and relinquished documents that he’d illegally withheld. In...

The Blue Spade sings: Single Shot Your Next Vote

The Blue Spade (aka Scott Bandy) strikes again—this time with a salient message for Charlottesville voters. In an adroit reworking of Pat Benetar’s first top...

Faith in Government Replaces Faith in God

Early this May a new poll about religiosity in America was published by the Pew Research Center. It revealed that the percentage of American...

Funny money and FOIA Follies: Greene County’s clandestine loan to John Barkley

  The Greene County Board of Supervisors, in November of 2014, voted to give their County Executive, John Barkley, a no-interest, three-year-payoff loan in the...

Schilling Show to sue Greene County for FOIA violation

County Executive Barkley, Supervisors Blatantly Disregard Request Charlottesville, VA May 18, 2015– WINA radio host and SchillingShow.com founder, Rob Schilling, is initiating a FOIA-related lawsuit...

Commies, Facebook, and the American Way

When I need a break from work I scroll through Facebook posts from friends and see all the leftist diatribes constantly being launched out...

Political warfare: The United States of America under attack

by Michael J. Del Rosso Senior Fellow for Homeland and National Security The Center for Security Policy Research Fellow in National Security Policy The Claremont Institute © 2015 Michael...

The loving, compassionate tweets of the Ayatollah

Today I read a tweet from Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran (supreme leader means about as much to me as a supreme...