And the children shall lead (or destroy): How we’ve fostered our own demise

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”—Proverbs 22:6 History is so...

Schilling Show wins five Associated Press awards

  Schilling Show host, Rob Schilling, recently was recognized by the Associated Press with five awards for his reporting and journalism over the past year. At...

Signer’s folly: AG Herring strikes unconstitutional public meeting speech limitations

  A recent opinion issued by Democrat Attorney General Mark Herring validates legal critics of Charlottesville’s draconian, newly adopted “Council Meeting Procedures.” Herring was asked by...

Guest editorial: “Mother” Teresa Sullivan’s UVa sex assault coverup

by David Ramadan Last October, I wrote that I was sick and tired of people in charge not taking responsibility for the actions — or...

Opacity unmasked #1: Albemarle, Charlottesville and schools reveal secret email recipients

For a long time, citizens of Charlottesville and Albemarle attempting to contact their elected representatives through official city and county web sites have been...

Video essay: Unity in the Community and the removal of Robert E. Lee from...

  The following video series documents the March 22, 2016 “Unity in the Community” event in Charlottesville’s Lee Park. Led by Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes...

NPR and Obama: PC foreign accent do’s and don’ts

NPR, otherwise known as Nucklehead Progressive Radio loves to say certain foreign words in the foreign accent of the other language. Anybody ever notice...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: Another historical monument under fire

by Suzanne Shattuck “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” ― Edmund Burke, British House of Commons The Vice-Mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, Wes Bellamy,...

Guest editorial: UVa “peace activist” calls for America’s downfall

by "Oculus" On Tuesday, March 22, a student group at the University of Virginia will be hosting a dinner and "workshop" with a speaker who is...

Gag order: Drug scandal and coverup at Monticello High School

  (Note: These initial remarks were delivered to the Albemarle County School Board on March 10, 2016) My name is Jim Stern and on behalf of...