Shakedown: Albemarle County hammering mom and pop landlords

  A financially desperate Albemarle County has dropped the tax hammer on mom and pop landlords countywide. Several owners of rental property located within the county have...

Guest Editorial: Let’s revisit the gun-show loop hole fallacy

by Tim Griffith Folks who speak the words “Gun Show Loop Hole” often use angry tones of voice to help create the suspicious idea that...

Heil Signer: Charlottesville Mayor’s new totalitarian police state

  Just months after being warned that his new City Council meeting procedures are unconstitutional Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer has doubled down on their enforcement. At the...

Guest editorial: Martha Boneta sues PEC over fraudulent claim

by Kevin Mooney No historical evidence locates Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson on what is now Liberty Farm in Fauquier County, Virginia, on the evening...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: Muslim migrants sexually assault Idaho 5-year old

by Suzanne Shattuck On 2 June, 2016 a five-year old girl with special needs was playing outside her home at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin...

Stacked deck: Charlottesville Blue Ribbon Statue Commission’s fait accompli

  Charlottesville’s recently appointed Blue Ribbon Commission on Race, Memorials and Public Places (BRC) appears to be a politically stacked deck. Sparked by Vice Mayor Wes...

Deniers: Charlottesville City Council ignores Muslim refugee threat

  Compelled by his concern over the future of America—and fearful for the lives of his children and grandchildren—Charlottesville-area resident Joe Draego attempted to inform...

America’s Warning Signs (The Tragic Result of Flying Blind)

I was reading about the circumstances regarding the crash of Aeroperu Airlines Flight 603 (2 October 1996). It was truly an accident that need...

The Blue Spade Sings: The Prius Patrol

The Blue Spade (aka Scott Bandy) returns with another musical parody—this time a musical analysis of Charlottesville City Hall’s dreaded Prius Patrol. Sung to the...

Holding out for a hero: the failure of feminism

The other evening while at dinner, thanks to boisterous voices, I could not help but overhear the adjacent table full of twenty-something women, bemoaning...