7 reasons why no rational person should vote for Democrat Jane Dittmar

  For those inclined to support Democrat Jane Dittmar in Virginia’s fifth congressional district, please consider: A nominal “Catholic,” Jane Dittmar has received endorsements and...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

Guest editorial: The truth about Sheriff Steve Smith’s “Understanding the Threat” seminar

The clearly presented facts at a seminar given by Understanding the Threat with Chris Gaubatz, Saturday, November 5th in Greene County, Virginia at Piedmont...

Obamascare: Dittmar fakes web post after Schilling Show exposé

Miraculous things have happened following a Schilling Show story on Jane Dittmar’s quiet dodging of Barack Obama’s toxic endorsement. Democrat Dittmar almost immediately altered reality on...

See Jane run: Dittmar dodges Obama endorsement

  Jane Dittmar, running for Virginia’s fifth district congressional seat, has been endorsed by President Barack Obama. But you’d never know it from browsing Dittmar’s web...

Two-faced Jane: Mediator Dittmar slams Tea Party, GOP obstructionists, and Dave Brat

  Throughout her campaign for Virginia's Fifth District Congressional seat, Democrat candidate Jane Dittmar has emphasized her mediation skills and her willingness to work with all...

Silent running: Dittmar shuts down Facebook page

Shortly following revelation of 5th District Congressional candidate, Jane Dittmar’s 1999 DUI automobile crash citation, her campaign Facebook page has been shut down (last...

Guest editorial: Tom Garrett, the better choice for Congress

by: Lawrence Gaughan When I challenged him in 2014, our retiring congressional representative, Robert Hurt, often said, "The Fifth District seat belongs to no one...

Gun running: Jane Dittmar drops the hammer on open-carry Trump supporter

  Fifth District Congressional Candidate, Jane Dittmar (or someone posting in her name), went off half-cocked in response to a Trump/Pence supporter open-carrying while shooting...

Rob Schilling goes nationwide on NewsmaxTV

Rob Schilling, host of WINA's The Schilling Show was a featured guest on NewsmaxTV's America Talks Live program with host, Ed Berliner. The program aired...

1000 words: Signs of intolerance

In the liberal Democrat mecca known as Charlbemarle, peaceful political coexistence seemingly is one-sided. (Photo: October 2, 2016 at the entrance to Carrsbrook.)