Acolyte delight: Signer lap dogs coming to Charlottesville City Council?

  Sources deep within the bowels of the Charlottesville City Democrat machine have revealed the likely City Council replacements for Bob Fenwick and Kristin Szakos,...

The Blue Spade sings: Lurid Tweets

Performance activist Scott Bandy, aka The Blue Spade, masterfully parodies the Twitter troubles of embattled Charlottesville Vice Mayor and Albemarle County High School teacher, Wes...

Brazen: Fugitive Chris Dumler returns to the United States?

  It’s a small world and the internet has made it even smaller. Less than two years after The Schilling Show tracked down wanted Virginia fugitive...

75 years ago: Pearl Harbor’s lost history

by Michael Connelly December 7, 1941, “a date which will live in infamy” was the date of the Japanese surprise attack on the American Naval...

All Our Yesterdays: Reconsidering Revenue Sharing

“My people and I have come to an agreement which satisfied us both. They are to say what they please, and I am to...

Maniacal: Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer says, “Electors, Dump Trump”

  In a recent Time magazine op-ed, Charlottesville’s vainglorious mayor, Michael Signer, has called for Republican electors to repudiate Donald Trump in the December 19...

Guest editorial: Threats and intimidation Trump rights at Albemarle High School

by Kate Harvey The message we’ve been hearing throughout this election cycle is that our nation has rarely been more divided. We are told that...

50+ reasons why Donald Trump is the next President of the United States

  Many people were surprised by the election of Donald J. Trump on November 8, 2016. Many people underestimated the passion of the silent majority of...
Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show Blog

The forgotten directive

The Forgotten Directive By H.L.M. It has come to pass. What has been labeled, and perhaps rightly so, as the most divisive and negative presidential campaign in...

Sample Ballot: Virginia Ballot Questions and Albemarle County Bond Referendum 2016

The Schilling Show recommends voting YES on Question 1. This question will add constitutional protection to Virginia’s “Right to Work” laws, which prohibit compulsory...