Scofflaw: Democrat Ned Gallaway’s illegal campaign signs

  It's election day, and Democrat Ned Gallaway has a sign problem. Running for Albemarle County Supervisor in the Rio District, Gallaway has broken a cardinal...

Guest editorial: Kneeling players should self-reflect before insulting Trump

by: Bob Parks In the social media world that infects almost everything else, most in the professional media are hesitant to criticize athlete activists out...

F*** pigs: Monticello High School’s dramatic attack on police

  Under the guise of artistic expression, Monticello High School’s (MHS) theater director, Madeline Michel, has sanctioned a drama production, which appears to demean and...

Go low: Local anarchists encourage Monticello High players to “take a knee”

  Emulating controversial National Football League protests, local anarchists are encouraging Monticello High School (MHS) students, their parents, and assorted fellow travelers to “take a...

City of Hate: Charlottesville church hosts anti-jewish, anti-white Malik Z. Shabazz

  On the heels of Charlottesville’s violent, August 12 White Nationalist rally, a local church is hosting a notorious purveyor of anti-semitic, anti-white rhetoric. Mt. Zion...

Many sides: Tim Kaine (finally) condemns Antifa

  United States Senator, Tim Kaine, has finally come around. In the immediate aftermath of Charlottesville’s August 12 “Unite the Right” rally, Kaine was repeatedly critical...

Extra credit: Mother Teresa Sullivan’s phony Jefferson statue narrative

  On the evening of September 12, dozens of Marxist University of Virginia students—along with a handful of UVa professors and outside agitators—gathered at the school’s...

Flush: New Albemarle County Executive pulls $300k+ compensation

  While local residents and taxpayers continue to suffer from years of substandard government management, Albemarle County Supervisors have gone for “broke” in attempting to atone....

Supreme lunacy: Gov McAuliffe funds national self-destruction march to DC

  Virginia Governor, Terry McAuliffe, is providing taxpayer-funded state resources to an organization that vows to unseat President Donald Trump. The “March to Confront White Supremacy”...

E tu Signer: Charlottesville Mayor flays Jones, Thomas, and Dickler

See below for full, formatted text of the secret memo authored by Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer, and endorsed by councilors Wes Bellamy, Kristin Szakos, and...