Revealed: Charlottesville’s super-secret police chief interview panel

  Charlottesville City government, often derided for extreme secrecy and lack of transparency in its communications and operations, is again facing procedural criticism, this time...

The name game: “Lee Park” still the favored name for Lee Park

  If at first you don’t succeed… Charlottesville City’s expedient, politically correct first attempt to rebrand Robert E. Lee Park was a bust. In an effort to...

Dried up: Supervisor Ann Mallek pulls plug on Rain Tax support

  Amidst a vast public outcry and continuing controversy over Albemarle County’s proposed Rain Tax, White Hall District Supervisor, Ann Mallek has rescinded her support...

Channeling Hillary: Democrat RD Huffstetler’s situational southern drawl

<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span> First, there was Hillary Clinton, believing that a situational (i.e. phony) southern accent was...

1000 words: Google says it’s “Lee Park”; it must be true!

  A February 5, 2018 Google search for "Lee Park, Charlottesville" brings up a map option. Click on the map, and Google, itself the guardian of...

Sanctuary: Bellamy pushes jail board to spurn ICE immigration reporting

  Charlottesville City Councilor Wes Bellamy, in coordination with the Legal Aid Justice Center, is working to undermine the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail’s (ACRJ) cooperation with the...

Guest editorial: The truth about “Spit-Hole” countries

by: Tim Griffith Atta Boy Mr. Trump; call it like you see it! I hope President Trump really did say that. It would mean he thinks...

1000 words: UVa, no home for hate?

  This loving display of tolerance and peace was spotted on the UVa Lawn.  There are many blatant inconsistencies here, but focusing on the most...

Stand down: Bellamy, Signer humiliate, undermine Charlottesville cop

With all of the innuendo about Charlottesville Police Chief, Al Thomas, and his alleged “stand down” order to officers during Charlottesville’s August 12 riots,...

BREAKING: Report released; CPD abandoned Fourth Street mall crossing 8/12

  The "independent" report of events surrounding Charlottesville's August 12 Unite the Right rally, has been released to the public.  Authored by former US Attorney, Tim...