Deal or No Deal: Presumed Charlottesville Police Chief Brackney still “negotiating” contract

  Presumed incoming Charlottesville Police Chief, Dr. RaShall Brackney, has had a rough ride. She enters the community on the heels of former Chief Al Thomas,...

Charlottesville’s three-ring circus:The Silly Clowncil song (video)

In the wake of raucous interactions among citizens, councilors, the City Manager, and police, Charlottesville's City Council meetings have become prime, circus-like entertainment for local (and...

1000 words: Daily Progress “Brackney” headline mysteriously morphs

Presumed incoming Charlottesville Police Chief, Dr. RaShall Brackney must have friends in high places. A Daily Progress story headline regarding allegations in Brackney’s past...

Schilling Show bestows annual Citizen Patriot Award

Gary Grant is the 2017 awardee of The Schilling Show Citizen Patriot Award, presented for exemplary service to the cause of liberty. Mr. Grant is...

Slam Pam: Moran, Albemarle schools face legal trouble over explicit orgasm-education class

  Albemarle County Public Schools’ (ACPS) sex-ed video scandal now has escalated into the legal realm while again attracting a nation-wide audience. As investigated and documented...

Spank Frank: WAHS department chair on leave over graphic sex-ed scandal

In the wake of a graphic sex-education scandal at Western Albemarle High School (WAHS), a department chair has been placed on administrative leave. Frank Lawson,...

Pull out: Albemarle Schools drop SARA as sex(-ed) partner

Following a Schilling Show exposé—and subsequent national news attention—on graphic sex education in Albemarle County schools, a reticent Albemarle County School Board finally has...

Orgasm Ed: Oral, anal, and sex toys in 9th grade girls’ “Family Life” class

  Without the consent or knowledge of their parents, two classes of ninth-grade females at Western Albemarle High School (WAHS) in Crozet, Virginia, recently were...

1000 words: Charlottesville “Waffle Ho” needs a few new bulbs

  This politically incorrect message has been telegraphed nightly by Charlottesville's 5th Street Waffle House location—for the past several months. Perhaps a gofundme campaign for a...

Undercover angle: Charlottesville Police Chief candidates unmasked

  When it comes to Police Chiefs—and law enforcement, in general—Charlottesville has had a rough go lately. First, it was the 2016 retirement of Charlottesville Police...