Honoring infanticide: Charlottesville “Unity Days” promotes abortion

  Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet...

Guest editorial: Stop the violence, be a parent

by: Agnes Cross-White The nation is horrified over the mass shootings, the death and carnage wrought on the citizens of El Paso and Dayton. Everyone...

Guest editorial: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors revert to climate hysteria

Albemarle County Board of Supervisors revert to climate hysteria by: Dr. Charles Battig (An open letter to the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors) The County and staff...

Toxic brew: Teachers flee hostile culture at Albemarle High School

  Last words from a departing Albemarle High School (AHS) teacher paint a bleak picture of the school's “culture” under the two-year reign of principal,...

Guest editorial: Socialism and The Use Of Force To Bring About Utopia

Socialism and The Use Of Force To Bring About Utopia By: David Marotta “Looking Backwards 2000-1887” by Edward Bellamy is a socialist utopian science fiction story...

Tom Tom Go: Albemarle County eliminating Thomas Jefferson holiday

Following closely in the footsteps of neighboring Charlottesville, Albemarle County Executive, Jeff Richardson, has advised elimination of his county’s Thomas Jefferson holiday observance. Charlottesville Mayor,...

Breaking: Vice President Pence coming to Monticello?

Mike Pence, 48th and current Vice President of the United States, reportedly is coming to Charlottesville on July 4, 2019. Pence is scheduled to participate...

Brazen Bob: Fenwick fined by State Electoral Board for illegal campaign signs

  Bob Fenwick, a former Charlottesville City Councilor—and presently a candidate for Charlottesville City Council—has been fined $50 by the Virginia State Board of Elections...

Cold comfort: Albemarle-Charlottesville Jail Board votes to retain ICE notification

  In a 7-4 vote, the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail Authority Board agreed to continue its policy of notifying United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)...

Property wrongs: Charlottesville government, spiritual, and justice groups demand private property appropriation

  A private property owner in Charlottesville has found himself on the wrong side of the mob. Andrew "Drew" Holzwarth, who recently purchased the Belmont Apartments...