Perriello’s office calls police to halt health care rally?

More than sixty concerned United States citizens and residents of Virginia's 5th Congressional District gathered in the parking lot immediately outside Democrat Congressman Tom...

Tea Party health care rally at Perriello’s office

The Jefferson Area Tea Party will be holding a health care rally at the Charlottesville office of Congressman Tom Perriello, 313 2nd Street SE...

“Pandering Tom” Perriello “strong arms” local group for political gain

Our Fifth District Congressman, Tom Perriello, has been lavish in his use of "Federal" funds in order to "buy" votes for the 2010 election....

Dumpster diving, the sequel: Not a shred of evidence at Albemarle High School

Recently, we reviewed the saga of highly personal and potentially inflammatory Albemarle High School student journals being disposed of openly in a school dumpster. This...

If a protest is held in a parking lot, but Perriello is not there...

Over 125 angry United States citizens rallied outside of Virginia Fifth District Congressman Tom Perriello's Charlottesville office today, in protest of Perriello's "yes" vote...

The Schilling Show featured in The Hook

Thanks to writer Lindsay Barnes and editor Hawes Spencer for publishing an excellent cover story on Rob Schilling, and his radio program, The Schilling...

Congressman Tom “Judas” Perriello sells out America

He actually did it; he cast a "yes" vote on H.R. 2454 . Enjoy your thirty pieces of silver, Tom… Here is Tom Perriello's statement...

Action Alert: Congressman Perriello “leaning towards” selling out America

A caller to Congressman Tom Perriello's office, inquiring about the Congressman's position on Cap & Trade (Waxman Markey) legislation, was told this morning, by...

Dumpster diving at Albemarle High School: student journals exposed

In a recent photo essay, The Schilling Show blog chronicled apparent waste of valuable, taxpayer-funded resources (books, overhead slides, instructional materials, etc.) by Albemarle...

Guest Editorial: The Corner mosaic proposal and Charlottesville’s “negligent” BAR

Guest Editorial: The Corner mosaic proposal and Charlottesville's "negligent" BAR by: John Pappas For the past four years Charlottesville and the University of Virginia have become...