Forrest BWhy is it OK for ‘80s talk show personality Montel Williams to tweet 3 times about the Oregon ranchers that are protesting?

  1. It appears ‪#‎OregonUnderAttack by a bunch of undereducated terrorist buffoons who follow ‪#‎ClivenBundy shall we send them to meet ‪#‎ISIS
  2. Totally fine with a massive use of deadly force in Oregon to take out Ammon Bundy
  3. Then let’s give them some – put this down using National Guard with shoot to kill orders

The ranchers have legitimate grievances of federal power grabs of land, and Montel wants The State to go kill them. These protesters are mainly ranchers and family men that care deeply about their land, the means of sustaining their way of life, and their rights as American citizens. They have wives, children and grandchildren, and we shouldn’t let The State come in and gun them down. They are peacefully protesting. They are not burning buildings and cars, throwing rocks and bottles. They are peacefully standing against federal over-reach of power.

Now, I understand this is bad timing, and Barry from Honolulu will use this incident as fodder to push his anti-gun message. He always does that. He’d never miss an opportunity to score political points to push his liberal agenda. But that aside, I can’t believe Montel Williams is so un-American and clueless. I heard about his tweets in an article I was reading. I hadn’t even heard from Montel since 1988, but just thought I’d share this because Montel Williams’ big government solution “kill ‘em all” to this Oregon protest is a terrible idea and just highlights how different people like Montel Williams are from real American patriots who are aware of federal over-growth and how it threats to our liberty and way of life.

I hate the movies Hollywood puts out but I don’t want to go in and gun Hollywood people down. Montel William’s mind works very different than the traditional American mind. Montel needs to realize that power is granted to the government by the people, not the other way around.


  1. Montel needs to realize that power is granted to the government by the people, not the other way around.

    Williams’ tweet is disgusting, but threatening to shoot officers of the law if they enforce the law isn’t peaceful. The people have granted power to this federal government by electing the president who oversees it, and electing the other presidents and other elected officials who have expanded its role. The American way to roll back that power is to elect other politicians instead. The American way for the ranchers to air grievances is to go to court. You guys aren’t victims. You’ve just been outvoted by other Americans. That’s the system of government which the Founders you profess fealty to established. You confuse being a patriot with being a sore loser.

    He’d never miss an opportunity to score political points to push his liberal agenda.

    I’d like to see a conservative politician too dumb to take every opportunity to to push his agenda. In an open primary, he’d get my vote.

  2. " You’ve just been outvoted by other Americans. That’s the system of government which the Founders you profess fealty to established. " — Houston, we have direct democracy. Our Bill of Rights has crash-landed because of the big loophole in the middle…eminent domain, the only individual right which defers to popular opinion, Due Process unless you're outvoted. Supposedly all things government is Public Use. The ranchers are members of the public. The age old argument…private citizens are members of the public, therefore private use is public use. Eminent domain is the socialism loophole in our constitution, negating the rule of law.

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