Three weeks following a Schilling Show request for comment on the Dumler Situation, Delegate David Toscano finally has spoken on the issue, calling for the resignation of Albemarle County’s infamous, wayward Supervisor—Chris Dumler.

Recently convicted of sexual battery, Dumler steadfastly has refused to resign his post amidst multiple demands from board colleagues, women’s groupsAlbemarle County School Board members,  the daily newspaper, and hundreds of concerned area residents.

With winds of change blowing in the proper direction, Toscano’s raised finger finally has been whetted. It’s been a long time coming, Delegate Dave, but your constituents are glad you finally dared to speak your mind.

Read Delegate David Toscano’s call for Chris Dumler’s resignation:

During the General Assembly session in Richmond, I have been monitoring the debate about whether Supervisor Christopher Dumler should step down in light of his guilty plea. I am increasingly concerned that Mr. Dumler’s continued service on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has become a distraction.  I have met with him, and have discussed the circumstances of his case with a number of county leaders, and while I understand that it is his decision to make, it is my view that it is in his best interest and the best interest of the county for him to step down. I know it is very hard for him to leave his post because he feels an obligation to many residents of Scottsville Magisterial District who elected him and who are concerned about losing a voice should he resign.  I, therefore, hope that, if he resigns, all efforts will be made to find a replacement who reflects the political views that Mr. Dumler has clearly articulated while on the Board.  The citizens of the Scottsville District and county residents deserve nothing less.
David J. Toscano





  1. How long does it take Democrats to decide what is “good and right” and what is “wrong and bad”?

    Seems to me they just stick their fingers in the air and figure which way the wind is blowing.

    These are the people that are going to make Charlottesville a better place to live for you and your families? Think about it.

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