First in a series.

On February 20, 2013 The Schilling Show issued a series of three questions (restated below) to members of the Albemarle County School Board regarding convicted sexual batterer—and current Albemarle County Supervisor—Chris Dumler.

Heretofore completely silent, four of seven school board members have issued responsive statements. To date, board members Barbara Mouley, Pam Moynihan, and board Chair, Steve Koleszar have not acknowledged The Schilling Show’s initial inquiry.

Jason Buyaki and Eric Strucko have called for Dumler’s resignation. Diantha McKeel essentially favors the status quo.

Original questions and Ned Gallaway’s response follows:

Q1: Current Albemarle County School Board policy does not bar Mr. Dumler from visiting Albemarle County school property while students are present. Do you have any concerns regarding Mr. Dumler being on Albemarle County school property while children are present?

A: I think a visit to a school or school event by Supervisor Dumler would be an incredible distraction – for students, parents, and staff. His personal decisions have created the intense public environment/scrutiny he is now living with and a visit to a school will be disruptive. I believe Mr. Dumler understands his presence in a school would be distracting and – out of respect – I think he will choose to not disrupt the education of our children or the work of our staff. Although not legally barred – I request Mr. Dumler not visit a school at this time.

Q2:  In light of the Dumler situation (an elected convicted sexual batterer who can roam our schools), do you believe Albemarle County School Board policy needs amending? If so, how?

A: Va Code delineates that 2 instances of such (sexual battery) crosses a line. Frankly, I’m not sure I understand the rationale (2 versus 1?). The General Assembly needs to deal with that issue. As far as school board policy – I think it is prudent for the school board to discuss the matter and make a determination – in public and on the record.

Q3: Will you personally call for Mr. Dumler to resign from his position? Why or why not?

Rob – I have got to know Chris Dumler over the past few years and consider him a friend – which makes this whole experience even more nauseating. Since his arrest – outside of joint meetings with the Board of Supervisors – and since his plea agreement – I have not met or spoke with Mr. Dumler to tell him how I feel about his actions. He has certainly undermined his integrity and his ability to govern. Now – where I come from – when you know someone personally – you tell them how you feel – direct and in person – before you air it in public. It may not be politically wise but it is how I choose to handle it. I will meet with Chris Dumler and tell him what I think. My view on his resignation will be part of the conversation. I am more than willing to follow up – publicly – after that meeting.


  1. Exclusive: Albemarle County School Board member, Ned Gallaway, asks Supervisor (and convicted sexual batterer) Chris Dumler to stay away from Albemarle County Schools.

  2. I think we know where this is headed: “I have got to know Chris Dumler over the past few years and consider him a friend – which makes this whole experience even more nauseating.”

  3. he should be fired , he is a paid county employee he needs to be banned from all county school land he is an embarrassment to our town and our county he should have to register as a sex offender and I really do not understand why he is allowed to stay I am very disappointed with the entire Albemarle county board they are ruinning our fine county.

  4. I understand the outrage about Dumler, but in my opinion, the REAL horror in this story has to do with the county prosecutor. There will always be jerks who rape women, our safety lies in a justiics system that will prosecute offenders to the full extent of the law and PUT THEM AWAY. If I have my facts right, it sounds like the county prosecutor allowed Dumler to plead guilty to a misdemeanor in order to avoid trial for the felony. If that is true, she has just declared OPEN SEASON on women in Albemarle County.

  5. And please don't start whining about whether Dumler is "innocent until proven guilty.' IT DOESN'T MATTER, if the case never goes to trial. The message Albemarle County is sending to potential rapists is that you can abuse a woman and, if you are like Dumler, the only real consequence is that it might mar your social life for a bit while you spend your WEEKENDS in jail. Forget about interviewing the school board, I'd like to see you will interview the county prosecutor. How is it that this offer was ever on the table??

  6. it has already been to trial and he has to spend weekends in jail he took a plea agreement to a lesser charge since when does a lawyer get to have a lesser charge to rape ,i see how the justice system works around here for sure

  7. Well, I'm no lawyer, but I understood that he decided to plead guilty to the lesser charge in order to avoid the trial for the felony. Am I wrong?

  8. I keep asking because I just can't believe that it turned out this way. I'd be grateful to be proven wrong here.

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