In an exclusive statement to The Schilling Show, Becky Weybright, executive director of the Sexual Assault Resource Agency has called for Albemarle County Supervisor, Chris Dumler, to resign his board seat following Dumler’s conviction on sexual battery charges:

The Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) calls on Albemarle County Supervisor Christopher J. Dumler to immediately resign his post following his plea of guilty to misdemeanor sexual battery.  By his own admission, he has sexually abused at least one woman against her will.  This is a serious crime and a violation of the trust the community placed in him by electing him to office.

Sexual violence is a serious problem.  A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report found that 11% of adult women in Virginia have been a victim of rape and 42% of sexual violence other than rape in their lifetimes.  The same report found that women who have experienced violence have far greater rates of physical and mental health problems.  The cost of these crimes is enormous.  In 1996, the National Institute of Justice estimated that rape alone cost adult victims $127 billion per year in lost productivity, medical bills, services, and quality of life.

The mission of the Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) is to eliminate sexual violence and its impact by providing education, advocacy, and support to women, men, and children. Our vision is a community free from sexual violence.

We serve residents of Charlottesville, and Albemarle, Nelson, Louisa, Fluvanna, and Greene Counties, who have experienced any kind of sexual assault including rape, adult sexual assault, child sexual assault, sexual molestation, incest, trafficking, stalking, sexual harassment, or unwanted touching. Services are provided free to all survivors, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, economic status, education, parenthood, physical and/or mental abilities, national origin, or any other status.  SARA has been providing services to the community for over 30 years.

Rebecca Weybright
Executive Director Sexual Assault Resource Agency
P.O. Box 1565 Charlottesville, VA 22902

Weybright was a guest on WINA’s The Schilling Show today. Click below for the podcast of that interview. [audio]


  1. Thank you, SARA – for speaking out for victims of sexual assault! Dumler's victim was brave to come forward publically. Dumler's remaining in elected office – a position of public trust – is a slap in her face, and a warning to other victims about coming forward – 'Why bother?' Perhaps it was also brave of you, SARA, to call for Dumler's resignation. Does SARA get funds from Albemarle County, e.g. theBoS? Your speaking out here probably cost you one vote on the BoS.

  2. As a former and long-standing member of the Board of Directors of S.A.R.A., I echo and underscore the position taken by this agency and the statement by Becky Weybright, Executive Director of S.A.R.A.

    To stand by in silence and inaction following Mr. Dumler’s admission of guilt in this case would be untenable. Mr. Drumler is well-advised to listen not only to constituents and members of the Charlottesville community who have decried his actions, but to listen to good reason and decorum which would dictate that he resign his position forthwith.

    For Mr. Drumler to choose to do anything less is to throw salt into the wound of his already reprehensible behavior.

  3. Dumler remaining in office is a slap in the face of his victim's. It is also tells the citizens of Albemarle county that government officials can use power, position and physical strength to get what ever they want no matter how perverted it is. Not only should Dumler be forced out of office by the citizens of Albemarle County but the prosecution team that made the deal with him should also go not to mention recalling the judge that presided over this case.
    I can not believe the other members of the county board of supervisors do not have the courage to call for Dumler's resignation. Also, where are the churches of Albemarle county when it comes to standing with Dumler's victims where is NOW and NAACP and women for Obama? People were willing to OCCUPY McGuffy park to proclaim wrong doing because some are making too much money. Where are the same people when it comes to one of us being forcibly sodomized by an abusive reprobate sodomizer?
    If the citizens of Albemarle county allow Dumler the sodomizer to represent us we are in league with him. Is this who we are? Are the citizens of Albemarle county people who believe in forcible sodomy and allow a person who brutalizes women to represent us? Citizens of Albemarle county let's stand together and remove Dumler and continue to remove other moral reprobates who physically abuse people and the trust of the citizens.

  4. 1) Dumler’s crimes deserve condemnation, and in my opinion he no longer deserves a position of leadership. But “use every man after his desert, and who should ‘scape whipping?” Many if not most people who do terrible things later feel ashamed of them. Without knowledge of how Dumler feels about his crimes, there are no grounds for labeling him a reprobate.

    2) It’s silly, absurd, and hysterical to say that people who don’t call for Dumler’s resignation are “in league with him” and “believe in forcible sodomy.” Good people can disagree about what punishment fits a crime, and about which crimes make a person unfit for public service.

    3) It’s well known that Congressman Darrell Issa has been arrested for auto theft, arson, intimidation with a gun, and more. I’ll be interested to see whether or not Schilling Show readers who call Dumler unfit for office are willing to say the same of Issa because his much more extensive criminal history.

  5. Why in hell is Congressman Darrell still in office? Numbnut should behind 2- 12 foot chainlinks fences, with the other numbnuts who are no body go! As far as Dumler’s yes he deserve condemnation, the question is he going to man up and step down.

  6. Ken:
    anyone who think he or she is above the law, will eventually end up in local jail or prison. In some case, end up dead. In some cases end up going back to where ever they came from and live out a lonely life. Issa and Dumler’s of world have learned to work the group. As long as they product, odd are on their side, they will keep on going. It is up to both group of voters to get rid both of them. However the rules of engagement have been written that sometime, takes act of God to get them out of office. Both need to man up and step down. As long as management of both party turn their head, they will be in office. This is one of few time when the system doesn’t work they way it was setup too.

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