Dear Dr. Lark,

For a long time I have learned from you, but now the time has come for me to follow your mantra, that “It’s up to you to make your own choices.” In doing so I have made my choice and I must ask you to reconsider your position, requesting that you vote for Mitt Romney. The Libertarian Party has put up Gary Johnson, clearly in my opinion the best candidate on the slate here in Virginia. Yesterday I heard the finest Presidential Campaign radio commercial in my life, by Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party. Despite having the best candidate, the best positions and a fine radio commercial, a vote for Gary Johnson is a vote that could lead to the destruction of America.

You call upon us to vote Libertarian because Gary Johnson is the best candidate, yet you know it is unlikely he will carry a single precinct let alone win the Electoral College. It is a stand on principle in your eyes, and in that you are correct. But we must follow the road map to liberty not waste votes like fallen soldiers on the roadside, or we will be unable to save this country for future generations.

You are correct that the Republican Party has dishonored themselves almost beyond repair with their behaviour and parliamentary shenanigans to keep the Libertarian Party off the ballot in Virginia. You were right to fight and I am glad you won. It is not my opinion the Republican Party deserves your vote. Nor do I believe our current President deserves your vote either. President Obama has squandered an opportunity to be a unifier, an inspiration to all and to be remembered as one of the greatest Presidents in American History with his anti-American speeches, his race-baiting, inciting class warfare; he has abandoned Israel, the Constitution and the American people. Sadly, it is cronyism and Chicago mob rule in DC under this President.

Gary Johnson deserves our vote, but if voting for him puts President Obama in for a 2nd term there will be no America left for the Libertarian Party to save. In the next four years we will be downgraded into a financial meltdown, have the government raise energy prices and force people to lose jobs, just to breed more dependency on the government. Even beyond the shame of the last four years the current President desires and seeks to achieve the goal of meltdown so he can impose martial law to “save” us, for his personal benefit or for the benefit of those who control him. We are already well down the path and sadly are but steps from the end of the road. We are but one step away from Chavez, two steps from Stalin and only three steps away from Pol Pot.

The behaviour of most in the Democratic Party has been so vile with the voice vote on God at the convention being the vilest sounds of all. I agree with you that no one should vote for a Democrat in the House, Senate or White House in 2012. The Republican behaviour has been disgusting here in Virginia and I understand it was almost an attack against you personally with their pit bull ballot strategy. But either Obama or Romney WILL win the next election, not Johnson. If reelected, President Obama will stay on this path and take at least that next step and would set us up for a century of mediocrity and set the stage for someone else to take that second step into tyranny.

Only Mitt Romney as President gives our country any hope of seeing a libertarian future. He will overspend, he will make decisions you and I will find offensive, but we will survive to fight another day. He clearly does not know the path to take but is smart enough to stop moving FORWARD, toward tyranny and will at least pause our decline into the abyss giving us a chance to keep fighting for our Founders and our children, a little longer.

Please pull the lever for Mitt Romney in the voting booth. You can tell Gary Johnson you voted for him and no one will know anything to the contrary and we need this one last sliver of a chance to save the greatest country to have ever existed on this earth.



James Stern
Albemarle Truth in Taxation Alliance
and Respectful Student of Dr. James Lark


  1. For all those who choose to vote for a 3rd party candidate, just think how sick you will feel, when you wake up the day after the election and OBAMA has won.We CAN NOT let this happen; it will be the end for the USA. Please, PLEASE do not throw your vote away, by voting for ANYONE other than ROMNEY. He is not the perfect candidate, but he is our only hope!

  2. We cannot allow this anti-American, idiot to win!

    Why, can, so, many, Schilling, Show, listeners – who, think, they’re, so, superior, to, liberals – not, even, write, a, simple, English, sentence, correctly?

  3. @Ken: Do you have any real criticism of the article, or does Jim’s argument reduce you to mocking his style of writing? And could you point out the incorrectly-written sentences to which you’re referring? Well?

  4. Keith, I quoted the incorrectly written sentence. Jim Stern didn’t write it, and I didn’t name the writer because I didn’t want to single that person out. A lot of people here, the host included, are quick to call their fellow citizens “un-American,” but can’t even correctly use America’s language. But that inability is no cause for shame. That isn’t really what I’m pointing to. What I’m pointing to is that they act superior while showing that they’re not.

  5. Here we go again. third party, fifth party etc, etc. the question to be asked how come does these third party etc, never seem to be able to mobilize. Why? I don’t know about anyone else Ken, I am not superior, but we all could be. But what good does it do?
    Need to finsih up my homework all 60 questions!

  6. In the next four years we will be downgraded into a financial meltdown, have the government raise energy prices and force people to lose jobs, just to breed more dependency on the government. Even beyond the shame of the last four years the current President desires and seeks to achieve the goal of meltdown so he can impose martial law to “save” us, for his personal benefit or for the benefit of those who control him. We are already well down the path and sadly are but steps from the end of the road. We are but one step away from Chavez, two steps from Stalin and only three steps away from Pol Pot.

    The notion that Obama or any other Democrat wants to drag the country down, and wants to drag it down for the sake of inducing dependence on the government, is nothing short of crazy. It’s lunacy. It’s flat out nuts. It’s a form of mental illness in which the ill person is not able to see the reality right in front of his face – for example a decent person who has a different conception of what loving one’s neighbors requires – and instead sees a fantasy. And the sad part is that you people have done this to yourselves, swallowing the lies of political shock jocks who say outrageous things to get ratings, and choosing time and again to believe the worst about your ideological opponents, always willing to believe something a little worse, until you’re no longer able to recognize your opponents as good (just misguided) people like yourselves.

    Look what you’ve done to yourselves. Look what you’ve turned yourselves into. This is what comes from refusing to love your enemy by identifying with him before you criticize him. The Democrats didn’t vote against God at their convention. They voted against you, and your mean-spirited, self-flattering fantasies about them.

  7. WOW, need to lighten up hitting the nail before you knock the self off wall.
    As far as a form of mental illness, not according to last Dx manual for mental health issues.

  8. Voters who vote for Johnson, Goode, or Stein will probably feel equally sick when they wake up the next day and find that Romney or Obama won the election. If Romney loses in November, it will be because he failed to articulate an agenda the American people agree with, not because of a former New Mexico governor in the race.

  9. Sanity is recognizing reality, votes. I don’t care if people are on the Left or the Right, the notion that most people on the other side hold their convictions because their hearts are in the wrong place and hold their positions because they care about themselves and not about anybody else are nasty fantasies. What you guys tell yourselves about liberals is true of some of them, some of the time, nothing more. As I’ve said before, if liberals are lazy, you guys are greedy. If liberal politicians care only about power, their conservative counterparts care only about their bank accounts. One fantasy is no worse than the other.

  10. How can you say Romney is as bad as Obama? Obama is in the process of RADICALLY transforming our country from what our Founding Father's set it up to be. Romney WILL NOT keep us on this DOWNWARD DECLINE into SOCIALISM. WAKE-UP and FACE the facts before you VOTE, PLEASE!!!!

  11. If I was in your camp, I’d put aside all the simplistic received wisdom about Obama being a socialist and ask myself whether I wanted a blows-in-the-wind political opportunist in the White House for eight years – a guy who’d serve the conservative cause as long as it served him – or if I wanted to try for a true conservative in 2016.

  12. By 2016 it may too late. But than again if listen to both sides it maybe too late already. There is really no clear choice in this election. Only race that seem to have a clear choice is Mr. Hurt. As far as rest, no one will really know until the evening of 11/6/12. But here in VA with new voter requirement, odd are we will have to wait the 72 hrs before the race will be called. The county is in a decline but in plan facts who fault is it? Is it easier to blame Obama than look at the fact we are all part of problem when come to way system is setup. Another part of the problem is way different news agencies report the news. it not as I was growing up, today we are so concern about getting part of the viewing public. the qestion is how much does our basic human feeling play into this?

  13. “…you know it is unlikely he will carry a single precinct let alone win the Electoral College.”

    Perhaps another polite and far better way of stating the same would’ve been: no third party candidate for this or any presidential election from 1992 forward has ever capably again reached such a highmark, as Ross Perot did in the Post Reagan Era. Yes, this is another presidential election neither open nor conducive to recieving any earnest third party candidate. No, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done nor that the Democrats shall cease favoring all presidential elections by popular vote over electoral college. Sadly that “sucking sound” since has swelled surpassing any bearable roar.

    “…the Republican Party has dishonored themselves almost beyond repair with their behaviour and parliamentary shenanigans to keep the Libertarian Party off the ballot in Virginia. You were right to fight…..”

    A resounding amen to Mr. Stern’s acknowleging this to Mr. Lark and laying out a follow-up “road map to liberty not waste” rationale. In these closing campaign days and hours of ginned-up disenfranchisement and challenged hit and run voter fraud, stark blank honesty is to be memorably noted and genuinely appreciated. This brand honesty must also become the followed unrepercussive policy rather than another further dismissive exception. Oh and I agree with Mr. Stern about Gary Johnson’s radio campaign ad, as heard on WINA.

    “If reelected, President Obama will stay on this path and take at least that next step and would set us up for a century of mediocrity and set the stage for someone else to take that second step into tyranny.”

    I pray the aftermath of this Election does not end with such flagrant stagnating destitution or descend into such massive dire hara kiri, whoever the people see fit with having the electoral college sentence the presidency upon.

    “…You can tell Gary Johnson you voted for him and no one will know anything to the contrary and…..”

    Funny how that can be worked in a kaleidoscope with different apects. Still, I appreciate Mr. Stern’s attempt at a bit of humor in his open letter to Mr. Lark. However, there is the matter of that slight tiff to the contrary. Rob hit directly on it above by pronouncing “principled versus practical.” How seemingly granted we take our privacy, of how and for whom we each cast or do not cast votes for.

    That additionally brings me to wonder: what about the integrity of each candidate petition circulator for the different (including – YES the major) party presidental candidates that ARE on Virginia’s Election Ballot November 6? I quite suspect Mr. Lark’s conscious would be awry, were he to possibly consent to even disclosing whether he follows Mr. Stern’s suggestion or not. No, we’d rather be entranced with what occurs with just the main party presidential candidates instead. The electoral college futhermore, should results not distinctively determine a seperate winner.

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