The Hook, Charlottesville’s premier weekly newspaper, has named Schilling Show host, Rob Schilling, a runner up for its 2011 Person of the Year (POTY):

With an all-Democrat city council that’s likely to stay that way, and a city populace that typically votes 80 percent Democratic, conservative radio show host and former City Councilor Rob Schilling may be in the minority, but his is a loud and persistent voice of opposition to the leaders of what he calls “The People’s Republic of Charlottesville.” The most recent target of his wrath: Occupy Charlottesville, and the city officials who approved the tent city that sprung up in mid-October and remained until November 30. Calling the Occupiers a “lawless group” and criticizing the condition of Lee Park after the group vacated, Schilling has also pointed out that the Tea Party hasn’t been met with the same level of favors by the city.

The Schilling Show thanks The Hook for this recognition, and congratulates POTY winner, Albemarle County Supervisor Ken Boyd, as well as the other runners up.


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