Charlottesville City Councilor, Holly Edwards, announced today that she will not seek a 2nd term.

You heard it first on The Schilling Show Blog & News.


  1. It will be interesting to see who will be the next obligatory black Democratic candidate. I doubt if it will anybody that was born here. They know too much to become the DEmocratic lackey because local blacks have had enough of dealing who give handouts in return for votes.

  2. @ Cville Eye

    How is the fact that Ms. Edwards is black make her an “obligatory” black candidate?

    Does that make Huja the “obligatory Indian candidate”?

    Is Dave Norris the “obligatory red head”? Cause god forbid you don’t include one of *them* on your council.

    It’s funny how if there were no black council members then half the city’s population people would be screaming from the rooftops. One is elected, but then the other half just marginalize her as either being “token” or “obligatory.” Can’t win I guess no matter which way things go.

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