On August 12, 2008, then candidate Tom Perriello appeared on The Schilling Show to discuss his candidacy for United States Congress. By popular demand, at the end of this post is the podcast of that interview.

During the November 2008 election, many people were duped by Tom’s “volunteer tithing” scheme and his pious proclamations of “faith.”

Although, asked several times and in several different ways during this interview, by both the host and a caller, Tom Perriello was unable to come up with any instance under which abortion should be legally limited.

Here is an excerpt from the Catholic News Agency’s analysis of Tom Perriello’s abortion position:

Despite claiming to be an ardent Catholic, Perriello ran on an agenda that treats abortion as one of several equally important social issues to be addressed instead of the paramount human rights and social justice violation that Catholics must fight to end.

This theory has been frequently criticized by Catholic leaders, including Archbishop Charles Chaput, who recently described the organization Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good—co-founded by Perriello—as having+ “done a disservice to the Church.”

Chaput charges that these groups have confused “the natural priorities of Catholic social teaching, undermined the progress prolifers have made, and provided an excuse for some Catholics to abandon the abortion issue instead of fighting within their parties and at the ballot box to protect the unborn.”

In a February 27, 2008 interview with the leftist organization, “Down With Tyranny,” Tom Perriello affirmatively crystallizes his pro-abortion agenda:

Confusion …[about] my position on abortion may stem either from my public association with Catholicism as co-founder of the progressive Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good or from being badly misquoted in a New York Times article following the 2004 election. I firmly believe that abortion should not be criminalized, nor can we allow any action that seeks to coerce women by reducing access to care or making the process less safe.

Tom Perriello clearly is more concerned with “coercion” of women and “access to ‘care'” than he is with the murder of innocent children in the refuge of a mother’s womb.

And in what delusional, twisted alternate reality must Tom Perriello be living to refer to the gruesome procedure (warning, extremely graphic photo) of abortion as “care.” (Do you dare click the link, Tom, to come face to face with the evil you are promoting?)

If you voted for Tom because you thought he was a defender of the unborn and a “good” Catholic, like The Who, I sincerely hope you “Won’t Get Fooled Again.”



  1. I hope that many were fooled by the candidates in the last election. I hate to think that our current crop of candidates, at any level, represent the actual values of Anerican voters. Time will tell.

  2. […] Senators Casey and Nelson as pro-life examples?! Nelson not only caved, he betrayed his pro-life organization back home after accepting a $100 million pay-off for his home state. It is ludicrous to suggest that because they signed off on the language, we conscientious+Catholics should! And Tom Perriello pro-life? Please – get the facts. […]

  3. […] Senators Casey and Nelson as pro-life examples?! Nelson not only caved, he betrayed his pro-life organization back home after accepting a $100 million pay-off for his home state. It is ludicrous to suggest that because they signed off on the language, we conscientious+Catholics should! And Tom Perriello pro-life? Please – get the facts. […]

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