In the ultra-secular bastion known as Charlottesville, Virginia, the dreaded “C”-word (Christmas) is considered common profanity amongst the region’s academic elites, within the local Democrat establishment, and particularly by the elected progressive puppets who inhabit City Hall. In previous years, it has been avoided at every opportunity in all official city communications (except for referencing the disposal of “Christmas” trees).

During his calamitous tenure as Charlottesville’s Director of Disinformation, Ric Barrick, has been reticent to use the term in connection with Christmastime activities, preferring instead “non-offensive,” politically correct designations such as:

  • The Charlottesville Tradition (aka Downtown pre-Christmas celebration)
  • Holiday Heritage Parade (aka Christmas parade)
  • The Gingerbread Express (aka Christmas-light trolley tour)
  • Community Tree (aka Charlottesville’s official Christmas tree)
  • The Grand Illumination (aka Lighting of Charlottesville’s official Christmas tree)

Such dystopian phraseology is eerily reminiscent of Nazi efforts to remove Christ from celebrations of Christmas, substituting instead symbols of the State for those of the Deity.

Following scathing criticism over last year’s complete omission of the “C”-word in describing Christmas-related events, Barrick appears suddenly to have “got religion.” In a November 9, 2010 Charlottesville press release (copied below), the designation, “Christmas,” is embedded three times! (Albeit indirectly.)

While it is indeterminate whether Barrick will be disciplined for his promiscuous use of execrating language in a public communiqué, there is no doubt that the Charlottesville Communications Department is taking policy direction from The Schilling Show Blog and News.

Mazel tov!

Click image to read Barrick’s obscenity-laced “holiday” media release:


  1. Amazingly, when I attended the county schools, we had Christmas parties!!! I have film of all of us students, with a Christmas tree in the classrooms, and nativity scenes on the walls, and dare I say, a cross over the manger, with the ten commandments nearby. Interestingly, and despite the alleged scientific evidence to the contrary, none of us students were mentally nor emotionally damaged because of it. We can continue to deny our heritage and our history, and we will reap the results. I fear the reaping is already well underway. As I continue to maintain, I’ve seen the past, AND IT WORKED!

  2. It’s hard to tell if this editorial is supposed to be funny or not. Cville, we read, is an “ultra-secular bastion” – never mind that it has dozens of churches.

    Barrick had a “calamitous tenure” – see link for the proof: his tenure has upset Rob.

    Barrick used “dystopian phraseology – Rob cites no actual repressive, fear-inducing language.

    The city’s disinclination to refer to Christmas is not just politically correct, but actually “eerily reminiscent of Nazi efforts to remove Christ from celebrations of Christmas” – that’s the Hitler yelled at his wife line of reasoning. Hitler yelled at his wife, so if you yell at yours, you’re acting like a Nazi too.

    The city reversed its policy “following scathing criticism” – again the link shows that it’s Rob himself who was upset.

    “The designation, ‘Christmas,’ is embedded three times” – not used or written, but embedded. Also, “it is indeterminate whether Barrick will be disciplined for his promiscuous use of execrating language in a public communiqué.” What’s really “indeterminate” is whether Rob’s writing in this post, and in this sentence in particular, is intentionally bad, a sly though baseless parody of what he’s criticizing, or whether he thinks fancy words (like “referenced” instead of “said”) give his writing gravity.

    In any case, “there is no doubt that the Charlottesville Communications Department is taking policy direction from The Schilling Show Blog and News.” Why stop boasting just because it’s Christmas season?

  3. In this season of forgiveness, can all of us take
    solace that the “Em-BARRICKment” spelled “Christmas”
    correctly? My Muharram and Bodhi Day wish is that
    Payne and Ross Associates take over the functions
    of the City of Charlottesville Office of Communications.

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