For nearly two years a hand-made homage to Obama—artistically interpreted in mosaic tile—alternately cheered and annoyed travelers on Charlottesville’s Route 250 by-pass.

Then, one day, poof!  It was gone.

An inspection of the site yielded no evidence of vandalism or destruction; no shards of smashed ceramic were detected. Instead, it appears that the sign was cleanly and deliberately relocated from the controversial spot by the property owner, Democrat City Councilor Kristin Szakos.

While the placard’s sudden removal left many wondering if even the Marxist-leaning Szakos had abandoned her president (for whom she worked diligently in 2008), there was another, more practical reason for the sign’s miraculous disappearance: Councilor Szakos did not want to embarrass fellow Socialist Tom Perriello during the waning weeks of his re-election campaign!

Shortly after President Obama was banished from the Szakos property, Tom Perriello appeared—in the form of a monstrous 3 x 6 foot yard sign. Szakos likely received the Perriello talking points memo instructing supporters to distance the embattled boy-Congressman from all things Obama. Szakos, a loyal progressive minion, immediately complied.

As it stands, Perriello supporters (and the Congressman, himself) can follow one of two paths to November 2:

  1. Embrace President Obama and his policies (and suffer certain electoral defeat), or
  2. Deny President Obama and his policies (and attempt to pull-off another long-shot victory)

While Two-faced Tom Perriello has chosen to simultaneously pursue both strategies, depending on his immediate surroundings and current wind conditions, Szakos wisely has selected the more pragmatic path.

In removing the iconic mosaic—an idol of great personal significance to her—Councilor Szakos has acknowledged that “guilt by association” with President Obama surely will sink any remaining “hope” for Tom Perriello’s re-election to the United States Congress.

See before and after photos of the missing Obama mosaic:


  1. The Schilling Show and blog is said to be “100% hate-free,” but here again Rob feels the need to put someone down. Szakos could not be a principled woman who like every other successful politician knows that towing the party line is often the way to accomplish larger goals. No, she has to be a mere minion taking orders, and an idol worshipper no less (no explanation given of how Rob knows this). And Perriello can’t be acting like every other politician in emphasizing one side of his record or another to particular audiences. No, he has to be two-faced.

    Speaking of straight talk, one wonders if this Monday the community “watchdog” and “truth detector” will challenge Robert Hurt point blank, with no mincing of words, to debate Tom Perriello.

  2. One must ask, is Robert Hurt any less a person or more succinctly, a hypocrit, for not participating in a debate with Two-Faced Turkey Tom, than you are for being unwilling, or more aptly put, unable to answer questions here in this forum. Questions that you have accurately decried as being worthy of an answer. Is there any real difference?

  3. An appropriate observation Realist. One would do well to remember to remove the plank from one’s own eye, before concerning yourself with the speck in anothers. Arrogance has always proven to be a formidable roadblock on the highyway to wisdom, and those so wrapped up in themselves, ultimately present very small packages.

  4. Just for anyone new to this blog, I’ve answered plenty of questions and challenges here, but there comes a time when I won’t answer any more from people who refuse to answer my own questions. Check the threads and you’ll see I told Realist I’d keep answering if he finally answered my own.

  5. I would entertain reanswering your previously posed questions, if and only if, you would agree to step up and to avail yourself of the opportunity afforded by Rob each and every day of his show. Appear as a guest. Take the calls and answer the questions. Since you appear to have been graced with such superior knowledge and ability, then prove it in the same arena in which you are so quick to take issue with. What is the slogan for Nike? Just Do It!

  6. Realist, I’m glad I appear to have been graced with such superior knowledge and ability ;-), but I make no such claims for myself, and I’m not trying to prove anything. Rob lets people call into his show, and he lets people comment on the posts on his blog. I chose to do one and not the other – the same choice you may make, for all I know. In any case, my choice in no way provides you an excuse for asking me questions but not answering my questions to you. Don’t demand what you’re unwilling to give yourself.

  7. There are several Hurt/Perriello debates scheduled:

    Hurt – Perriello Debate Schedule

    Date: October 13
    Location: WSLS studio, 401 3rd Street, Roanoke
    Time: 6PM
    Audience: This debate will take place in the television studio and will be broadcast live on WSLS Ch. 10.

    Date: October 19
    Location: Piedmont Community College, 501 College Drive, Charlottesville
    Time: 7PM
    Audience: Yes (will be broadcast by WCAV Ch 19).

    Date: October 21
    Location: The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research, Danville
    Time: 7PM
    Audience: Yes (will be broadcast on WSET Ch. 13 & WVIR Ch. 29).

    Date: October 27
    Location: Randolph College, 2500 Rivermont Ave, Lynchburg
    Time: 5PM
    Audience: Yes (broadcast on WSET Ch. 13)

    Date: October 29
    Location: 217 E. Church Street, Martinsville
    Time: 3PM
    Audience: Yes

  8. I’m having difficulty believing this article and all the others on this site are really from members of the Charlottesville-Albemarle community. The hateful comments are shocking to me, and I wonder if we “live in the same world”. Tom Perriello and Kristen Szakos are two representives of the best and brightest in our community.

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