After receiving intense criticism for a proposed secret process to select a replacement for Brian Wheeler’s open at-large school board seat, tonight, the board relented.

In a closed meeting, the Albemarle County School Board amended their previously stated plan. The updated protocol will include a more open interview process, in which each of the 15 applicants will publicly address a common set of questions posed by the board.

The question and answer session will be held at a September 8 special meeting of the board.

Details are explained in this notification email from board clerk, Jennifer Johnston:

From: Jennifer Johnston <>

Subject: School Board Vacancy Process Change

Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 7:29 PM

Good evening.

The School Board met tonight in closed session and decided that they would like to follow the following process in gaining more information from the applicants for the At-Large vacancy on the School Board.  There will be a special meeting held on Wednesday, September 8 beginning at 5 p.m. at a location to be determined to allow each applicant the opportunity to publicly present before the Board and community.

Instructions for Candidates About the September 8th Special Meeting

  • All candidates are strongly encouraged to give a brief oral presentation at the special meeting to the School Board and the public which addresses the following three questions:

1.      What is the most important key to improving education/student performance in Albemarle County?

2.      What motivated you to apply for the School Board?

3.      What are your thoughts concerning funding for the Schools?

  • Candidates should strive to be as concise as possible, keeping their presentations to no more than 10 minutes.
  • The purpose of these presentations is to allow candidates the chance to supplement their letters of interest and resumes, and for the School Board and the public to hear from all candidates in person.
  • Candidates who cannot be physically present at the special meeting may submit a prepared video recording of their presentation (10 minutes or less) by making arrangements with the School Board Clerk no later than 4 p.m. on September 7.  In the alternative, candidates may submit a written statement responding to the three questions.
  • Please contact me at or 434.972.4055 to schedule a time for your presentation by Noon on Tuesday, September 7.  Priority will be given to candidates who observe Rosh Hashanah, as well as to candidates with scheduling conflicts.

Should you have further question, please let me know.


Jennifer Johnston

Clerk, Albemarle County School Board

401 McIntire Road, Room 345

Charlottesville, VA 22902


PHONE: 434.972.4055

FAX: 434.296-5869

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