For all its self-aggrandizing blather of being a “green city,” prioritizing a “more robust tree canopy,” and invoking environmental sustainability, practically speaking, Charlottesville city is pulling emerald wool over our eyes.

Consider CAT’s (Charlottesville Area Transit) “new green facility” (aka the green goddess)—a modern marvel of LEED-certified energy efficiency goodness. So esteemed is this advanced edifice, it has its own web page, and its grand opening was attended by numerous environmentally revered dignitaries.

However, a recent trip to the CAT’s new den yielded a scandalous brown surprise in the midst of the city’s latest green mecca: Scores of dead junipers ring the Avon Street facility!

At a replacement cost of approximately $20 per, the perishing plants represent not only extreme environmental hypocrisy but also an audacious squandering of taxpayer green—to the tune of thousands of dollars considering labor, replacement, and disposal.

While Mayor Norris and his city hall greenies trifle their time worshiping at the footer of the deified  “green goddess,” they appear utterly oblivious to man’s destruction of the natural-born environment surrounding them.

Such hypocrisy is not unexpected in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Charlottesville, where appearance is everything and substance is secondary—this is a liberal hallmark.

Environmental chicanery aside, those responsible for this dissipative foliage folly should be held accountable for their benign neglect. And from the neglectors’ private purses, should the Charlottesville taxpayer be made whole.

See the brown bushes at Charlottesville’s “green” transit facility:


  1. Rob, this appears to be an example of environmental neglect. Perhaps, some feral CAT(S) urinated on the
    juniper plants while the City wasn’t watching. From your
    experience in City Hall, Rob, what department head is
    responsible for watering these plants? Can you file
    a Freedom of Information Act request to determine how
    much it will cost taxpayers to replace these plants?
    Could Charlottesville Area Transit have used wastewater
    to irrigate these plants? For a City that is so concerned
    with appearances, this is an eyesore. Attention to detail
    anyone? Do we need “stimulus” funds to water City plants
    on City property?

  2. Stop the complaining! They are not done with the landscaping yet. Before you can apply green spray paint to Junipers, you have to allow the wood of the shrub to dry out, otherwise the paint will not adhere properly and they’ll need to be painted again sooner rather than later. I’m sure they are going to paint them soon. One they are painted, they’ll be green forever, just as nature intended.

    Geesh, what a waste! In today’s economic climate do they really need to spend any money on shrubs? If they’re going to plant something, at least put in some veggies or berry bushes so we can feed the hungry.

  3. Why didn’t they use the water that they use to water the city’s other plants? The bus station is a project of Public Works. Maybe if Gary O’Connell and Judith Mueller weren’t so busy giving away our water facilities…

  4. Guys! This is so man bites dog. “Stop the presses: Junipers die in drought!” Well, you know, it didn’t rain from June to September–a lot of stuff died and the stuff that didn’t die … well, it was getting watered every day. I have the water bills to prove it.

    Now, I do think it’s appropriate to ask how much we’re spending on annuals and perennials. I also think it’s appropriate to ask how much green money is being spent here–did they source the plants or the expertise for those green roofs locally? I’m curious much you could save by having the city propagate and grow that stuff here or close to here … but dead junipers? Get a life…

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