Charlottesville, Virginia, where “Democrat” is the religion and government is the “church”—a likely place for a frank discussion of faith’s intersection with politics?

That depends on who’s talking. In this case Rob Schilling is invited to examine the hot-button topic on CBS 19’s weekly series, Jay James on Faith.

In this brief segment, which originally aired on June 28, 2010, Rob covers, Democrats: the “party of death,” the Progressives’ left-wing subversion of Christianity, and fraudulent faith-based “social justice” organizations like the Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together (IMPACT.)

Watch Jay James’ controversial interview with Rob Schilling:



  1. Kudos to you Rob, and all the Glory to God! I appreciate your soft tone, gentle approach, and accurate portrayal of the truth. I find it refreshing to hear you speak on this subject.

    There is no gray in God’s word. I do not understand how some, in both parties, can espouse their faith, then cast a vote completely contrary to the Word of God. I liken it to being almost pregnant. There is no such thing, either you are or you are not. I hope that those that profess to be of Faith find the strength of conviction to live their lives accordingly, including their political lives.

    I appreciate the strength of your foundation for your political views resting on the rock of God’s word.

  2. Rob, Could you play the audio of this interview on
    “The Schilling Show”? I am confident that ace
    producer, Leon Oliver, can arrange it.

  3. I find it profoundly disturbing that one who professes to be a Christian, espouses Mr. Schilling’s views. “Soft and gentle” is a ridiculous attribution. Pit bull is more apt. At least he (Rob) holds his views honestly — he does not hide or apologize for them. Nor do I, mine.

    IMPACT is hardly a “fraudulent” faith-based organization. Regardless of Mr. Schilling’s POV, it will continue to do God’s work, as we are all called to do. I gather that some folks figure that Micah, for example, speaks only to the nation of Israel? What are you thinking?

    There is room for social justice, and it deserves an honest hearing and discussion — not the cute, childish grandstanding Rob often resorts to, nor the insults and demonizing he perpetuates.

    I’d be glad to contribute to a dialogue. You may be surprised to discover that there are conservatives who hear God’s call, and understand “social justice” in broader terms than just “redistribution” of wealth.

  4. Anyone that knows Rob, knows that he is a very gentle soul, so I don’t need to defend him as such.

    Some people look at social justice as going out on mission and doing good works for God. That’s great — as long as it’s Jesus and the church or your synagogue, etc. you are serving, not a government-bloated program.

    For example: If your church is preaching social justice and education, your church is doing it, great. But remember the Defend Education rallies? Of course everyone wants to “defend education.” But if you go to the National Day of Action to Defend Education Web site, you’ll find a list of endorsers and you’ll realize that you’ve just entered a hot-zone of activist, progressive, socialist groups trying to hijack another movement.

    If you go to Jeremiah Wright’s United Church of Christ Web site, it looks fine and dandy. But check out the “related links” page and you will be recommended to visit the Ella Baker Center. The Ella Baker Center — why does that sound familiar? Oh that’s right, it was co-founded by Van Jones, the communist.

    If you are interested in what the Church intended for social justice, then organize your church, contribute your own time and money, and convince others to do the same. Change your lifestyle; sell that nice car and buy an old clunker and give the left over cast to charity; sell your house and rent a basement apartment for $1,000 less and give the savings to the cause of your choosing. But do not use the government to take my money and give it to your cause. Forced redistribution of wealth with a hostility toward individual property rights, under the guise of charity and/or justice, is not what the scriptures require of believers. The term “social justice” has been hijacked by the progressive movement and morphed into something completely contrary to faith based intentions and values. Taking from one person and giving it to another is theft. Giving your own resources to another, and working with others to get them to do the same willingly, is charity.

    Yes, there is room for social justice. But not if it is orchestrated and forced upon me by government. Show me where the Bible calls you to take from me to give to others, and I’ll change my opinion. Show me the definition of Conservatism that espouses the same, and I’ll change my opinion. Show me how you do without so others can do with, and I’ll change my opinion. Until then, keep your hands out of my pockets and away from my land, and stop using the government’s hand to steal from me.

  5. I have no real argument with anything you state. Even the opening testimonial — since I truly don’t “know” Rob (or even want to), given his public persona. He strikes me as a conservative Howard Stern. Though I must say, his show — which I find informative, and sometimes even “fair and balanced”, is of much higher quality than this blog… just my opinion.

    No, I take particular exception to his groundless (in my view, and experience) attack on IMPACT. Something you have walked right past. You can cite the most extreme examples of misguided politics — I feel no urgency to defend behavior I would not endores, other than on grounds that we do live in a country that embraces freedoms that give us the KKK, Westboro Baptist, and Neo-Nazis as well as “filthy” progressives and Black Panthers and Jeremiah Wrights.

    As I said, I’d be glad to participate in a dialogue, if we can keep it real, and yours is a reasonable start. Enlighten me, please — if you know — where IMPACT crosses the line. Just try to be factual.


  6. Sorry it’s been a while for this response. I’ll make this short for you:

    Impact crosses the line every time they coax, convince, or otherwise play a role in getting government to take my money to support its causes. You see, I see the scenario of someone, or some entity, taking my assets, in most cases money, and giving it to someone else as stealing. Particularly when the taking is not broad based to where I, albeit in some small way, will benefit. If Impact wants to build homes for people, or provide some service, they are free to do so. They should gather like-minded people and give their own money to the cause. I worked for it, and I should decide to whom and when I give it. It should not be taken from me. Show me one government program that ever solved or even alleviated the issue it was intended to address. It comes down to a difference of beliefs. If you think government should do for you, or if you should do for yourself and others. I choose the latter.

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