Governor Bob McDonnell has reversed a budget decision by predecessor Tim Kaine, which could leave a gap of up to $7 million in Albemarle County Public Schools’ upcoming budget.

Kaine, as a cost-saving measure, decided to freeze implementation of biennial changes to Virginia’s composite index, a move that “saved” state government approximately $29 million dollars but cost some school divisions, primarily in Northern Virginia, millions of dollars in additional anticipated state funding.

McDonnell explained his decision as being based on fairness to all Virginia school divisions and continued predictability of a nearly 40-year-old process.

Although firm numbers have not been released, it is estimated that Charlottesville City Schools may face an unexpected $1 million shortfall under the reversal of Kaine’s directive.

You heard it first on The Schilling Show Blog and News.

As a cost saving measure, outgoing then-Governor Tim Kaine, upon leaving office decided not to implement changes to the composite index

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