szakosFilmstrip-copy-150x150Neophyte Charlottesville City Councilor, Kristin Szakos, played party host to a phone bank event last evening on behalf of Massachusetts Democrat Senatorial candidate, Martha Coakley. Held at the home of newly selected Charlottesville Democrat party co-chair, Jim Nix, the gathering was sponsored by Organizing for America, an offshoot of the Democrat National Committee.

Coakley was expected to handily defeat Republican Scott Brown in the heavily Democratic state but conceded the race to the underdog GOP candidate within 90 minutes of the polls closing.

Szakos, who ran on a platform that included serving “free” pizza at Charlottesville City Council meetings, offered free pizza to all participants at last night’s affair.



  1. Because they thought the Democrat was a shoo-in, they held the party to try and convince people that they have influence at the national level and are forces to be dealt with, the bedrock of the grassroots of the Party. It’s just another example of phoney local politics. I hope Szakos is planning to spend the time it requires for her to learn to run a city rather than be the gadfly of every pizza party. I’ve seen her participate in two council meetings so far and she appears to be clueless as to the meaning of all of that background material she receives shortly before each meeting. Does she ever ask a question?

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