Albemarle County Public Schools’ secret plot to subvert parental authority in cases of gender-confused students The Schilling Show

First, Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) secretly conspired to force female students of all ages to undress, shower, and conduct bathroom activities in the presence of bio-males.

Now, the division is colluding with teachers to conceal from parents, insidiously, the proclivities of their gender-confused students.

During recent district-wide mandatory training, ACPS educators were instructed to NOT inform parents of “student changes” regarding pronouns, names, and gender identity.

Not informed of a student change, but will honor parent requests School administration will not contact a student’s parents in relation to such a request unless asked to do so by the student. However, should parents of an underage student become aware of the student’s request and object to it, the school shall adhere to the parents’ directions in this regard and offer resources to assist the parents and students in addressing issues pertaining to the student’s gender identity.

Albemarle County Public Schools’ secret plot to subvert parental authority in cases of gender-confused students The Schilling Show

This subversive dictate robs parents of their constitutional rights, defies Virginia code,  and stands in direct contradiction to Governor Glenn Youngkin’s, Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, And Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools, Sections B2:

Schools shall defer to parents to make the best decisions with respect to their children: Parents are in the best position to work with their children and, where appropriate, their children’s health care providers to determine (a) what names, nicknames, and/or pronouns, if any, shall be used for their child by teachers and school staff while their child is at school, (b) whether their child engages in any counseling or social transition at school that encourages a gender that differs from their child’s sex, or (c) whether their child expresses a gender that differs with their child’s sex while at school. [emphasis added]

 and B3:

Schools shall keep parents informed about their children’s well-being: To ensure parents are able to make the best decisions with respect to their child, school personnel shall keep parents fully informed about all matters that may be reasonably expected to be important to a parent, including, and without limitation, matters related to their child’s health, and social and psychological development. Parents’ rights are affirmed by the United States Supreme Court that characterized a parent’s right to raise his or her child as “perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by this Court.” Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57, 65 (2000). This requirement is, of course, subject to laws that prohibit disclosure of information to parents in certain circumstances including, for example, Code of Virginia § 22.1-272.1(B) (prohibiting parental contact where student is at imminent risk of suicide related to parental abuse or neglect). [emphasis added]

Again, in opposition to the law, ACPS training also decreed that students may change identities without parental permission:


Students are not required to obtain parental consent or a court ordered name and/or gender change as a prerequisite to being addressed by the name and pronoun that corresponds to their gender identity.

Albemarle County Public Schools’ secret plot to subvert parental authority in cases of gender-confused students The Schilling Show

And, teachers were ordered to “honor student request[s]” for such fundamental oscillations.

Albemarle County Public Schools’ secret plot to subvert parental authority in cases of gender-confused students The Schilling Show

This gross violation follows a series sex-related ethical and moral breaches in Albemarle County Public Schools, noted here, over the years:

Although Governor Youngkin’s staff has been notified of potential Model Policy violations in Albemarle County Public Schools, to date his office has neglected to acknowledge receipt of correspondence.



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