According to inside sources, Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) has opened an investigation into a possible misallocation of funds.

EverDriven, a private transportation company engaged by ACPS to help ameliorate the Division’s well-publicized bus driver shortage, on October 31 made an email demand for prompt payment of outstanding invoices:

EverDriven demand for payment Albemarle County public schools


Richard Roman, ACPS Assistant Director of Transportation responded promising to send a $59,992.50 check on November 3:

EverDriven demand for funds Albemarle County public schools

ACPS contacts convey that the money may previously have been allocated to the Transportation Department, but now could be missing, thus necessitating a forensic audit.

Concurrently, but not necessarily related is the reported vacating of ACPS Transportation Director, Charmane White’s office. ACPS Communications Director, Phil Giaramita, affirmed that White was still employed by the Division as of Thursday morning. However, when asked via email if Ms. White had been placed on administrative leave, Giaramita was cagey:

“we don’t publicly discuss whether any employee is on leave unless there’s a legal requirement to do so.”

This is a developing story based on multiple unconfirmed accounts provided to the Schilling Show. Information will be updated as available.


  1. Haas is ultimately responsible for appointing White to check the box for a critical position she was unqualified to fill. Transportation to school is a priority and must be managed by top tier people. How do you lose that much money and run a division into the ground in just a year? Well at least ACPS has diversity….

  2. Much questionable behavior has occurred in Transportation under the tutelage of Charmane White, and therefore Rosalyn Schmitt. Money is reportedly unaccounted for in the Transportation department, have all employees sign confidentiality agreements as you want it swept under the rug – not once, but TWICE in approximately 5 or 6 years. THIS IS OUR TAX DOLLARS! Incompetent managers are in positions that they are not qualified to be in. These managers operate with fear based management, forcing out employees that dare to speak out. Enough is enough! Get rid of Charmane White and William Shifflett, both of whom operate with fear based management, are not respected by employees, are blatantly disrespectful to employees, and do not exemplify the behavior and conduct that should be expected of Albemarle County employees.

  3. Let’s not make this about diversity, political parties, race, ethnicity, etc… This is about unqualified, incompetent employees with questionable conduct, being promoted to positions that they are/were not qualified to be in. You may ask yourself if they should have been hired by the County for any position. From “improper” financial management to creating a hostile work environment for Transportation employees, management in this Department has operated recklessly and without regard for others. For the School Board and various leaders to have ignored the many concerns voiced by employees, to have ignored the red flags raised by so many, for the employees in Transportation to be subjected to a hostile work environment, and for many female employees to be victimized by a manager that demeans them, should be of great concern to everyone.

  4. I encourage everyone to go to to find out how much of our tax dollars are being paid to people not to manage Transportation.

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