Daily Progress circling the drain

As predicted, the Charlottesville Daily Progress is soon-to-become a no-longer-daily newspaper.

Following missed-production a few times over the past year, an extreme-left editorial bent, the loss of key management personnel, diminished home-delivery options, and an embarrassing raft of errors, the embattled newspaper has succumbed to market pressures.

In an attempt to lipstick a pig, the paper is dubbing its rebirth as the “Expanded Daily Progress.” But no coat of makeup or glossy concealer can obscure reality.

Beginning June 27, the paper Progress will be publishing only three times per week: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Home delivery is dead, being supplanted by the U.S. Postal Service—thus guaranteeing that any “news” will be stale by the time a reader consumes it.

Some time ago, Daily Progress management made it clear that their future was strictly digital. Today’s announcement cements that sad path to obscurity and irrelevance, as another long-time local newspaper flatlines.


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