Just a day after a large brawl at Albemarle High School was publicized by The Schilling Show, another fight has been captured on video.

This time, the altercation was one-on-one and took place at around 1:45 PM. Several faculty members were engaged in disengaging the combatants.

The culture of violence in Albemarle County Government Schools seems unabated by feckless directives from Superintendent Matt Haas or impotent proclamations from the various administrators.

Sources from within Albemarle County Schools indicate that Haas is considering a return of School Resource Officers (police) to various locations within his division, at the discretion of each principal. This timorous proposal is clearly a CYA move on the Superintendent’s part.

However, by not mandating the return of SROs to every campus from which they were unceremoniously removed, Haas is abdicating his duty as a leader for the Albemarle County Government Schools. The certain injury—or worse—that will follow this escalating path of violence, could be mitigated by mandating the enforcement of strict discipline and the stationing of enforcers. Absent those measures, Haas is setting the stage for disaster.


  1. Here is a good example of the school to prison pipeline in action. Why is this happening? Because of weak white liberal men like Matt Haas who think they are doing these kids a favor by NOT punishing them. These milktoast administrators just let this kind of behavior continue with no repercussions.
    Violence is a learned behavior when there are no consequences. Same way with the prosecutors and courts here. If you don’t teach them right from wrong and correct them before they get into the system then it’s too late .And you parents, if you don’t give a damn and are too lazy to teach your children right from wrong then don’t cry racism when the real world swallows them up and you cry “mass incarceration”.
    Throw these troublemakers out so those who want to learn can. Start arresting the parents for the kids behavior or in the least make them show up in court with the kid.
    Where are their fathers….no not their Babydaddy, their father?

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