by: William McGregory

There is no Charlottesville Police Department anymore.

Guest Editorial Graphic Schilling Show BlogIts death warrant was signed several years ago with the suspicious, improper hiring of Rashall Brackney. You will recall that she was never in the initial hiring pool of significantly more qualified candidates. She was brought into the pool much later, after several more-qualified candidates had been eliminated by the Inquisition. Unlike the others, she was never forced to endure months of interrogations by local soviets, or spend hours being torn-down for their decades of professional experience instead of being asked substantial questions about their ideas to prop up a department under attack from all sides. After all that, the despicable then-mayor Nikuyah Walker hand-selected Brackney, someone who would become her closest ally in her long-standing campaign of hate. The goal: to destroy one of the last vestiges of proper government in the city that we now know she completely despises.

Far from an educated professional, Brackney was hired to be a weapon against the police, the ultimate saboteur. Her doctoral degree from Robert Morris University is a joke. She would certainly like us all to believe that the degree came from Carnegie Mellon University, a much more prestigious university that issued her two night-school degrees during her tenure at Pittsburgh Police Bureau (PPB) but apparently couldn’t stomach the thought of putting their name on her tertiary degree. Most people that have worked with her have only ever heard her mention CMU, and are surprised to find out that her academic title, shamelessly thrust into the professional environment at every opportunity, is not from that university and has nothing to do with criminal justice or public policy. The accompanying dissertation is barely coherent, with a sample size so minuscule that it cannot credibly claim the broad conclusions of racism as the fault for all inner-city strife that she stretches for.[1] Far from a credible study of “institutional management and leadership,” that paper should have been laughed-out of academia, if the reviewing institution were not wholly invested in the race-baiting business itself. It reads more like a sociological or psychoanalytical study, completely missing the mark on its purported subject, and only serving to reinforce her erroneous belief that criminal violence is something that happens to people rather than being perpetrated by people. That “degree’s” only value is for her own egomania, which she indulges by forcing us all to refer to her by that meaningless, imperious little title— “doctor”—as though it were legitimately earned or conferred any merit on the dreck spewing from her mouth. It is a trend that has become shameless amongst the left in recent years, with titles appended to public names in the most irrelevant contexts, desperately appealing to authority to convince the weak-minded amongst us that they have any expertise or objective wisdom beyond their adherence to the Party’s agenda.

Her “experience” consists of overinflated, spurious claims of police “leadership,” dogged by years of corruption allegations covered-up by the PPB in fear of her inevitable screes of racism should she be held accountable for her crimes.[2] She then conducted a successful trial run of destruction at a small campus agency, the George Washington University Police Department. A department hamstrung by hostile working environment and a chain of command largely seen as detached and punitive towards officers, GWU asked Brackney to resign less than three years after hiring. Staffing had not improved and, while she internally promoted racial minorities to detective (apparently for the sake of saying that she did—no crime clearance improvement was ever published), she wasted tens of thousands of dollars on Segway scooters that professional police officers have repeatedly said are wholly inappropriate for police work.[3] She also never stood up a local version of our Police Civilian Review Board soviet, despite promising to do so when it was demanded by students so that they could frivolously complain about police officers to their hearts’ content. Having accomplished nothing and only making the situation worse while piling on the window-dressing, she was constructively fired without cause. Her benchmark had been made; the blueprint was drawn.  

If you thought that her reign of terror (the plummeting CPD staff roster, and the blood-spattered pages of the local crime blotter—anyone except for the Daily Progress, basically) had finally been ended by a stunning moment of courage by former Charlottesville City Manager Chip Boyles, I am sad to report that you are dead wrong. Though Boyles should be commended for finally acknowledging reality, something the rest of this city government and most of the citizens are incapable of, he did not do a thorough-enough job. Despite ample “just cause” for the termination, he let her go with another Charlottesville golden parachute[4] and left the nation open to her vengeance.  The unlawful firing of police Officer Jeffrey Jaeger should have been enough to see her, if not in prison, at least barred from public office in perpetuity. Despite his acquittal from manufactured charges that the department’s own investigators had already vindicated him of in a well-documented report,[5] Brackney nonetheless lynched him as effectively as is possible these days. Through fear and intimidation, she has managed to hide from public view the force report that blows the whole case wide open. The city has still kept her secret through illegally denied FOIA requests, by the proposed charging of thousands of dollars to redact a ten-page report, and by simply refusing to release body-camera footage that has already been played in a public courtroom. Not content with her total victory in Charlottesville, and still hungry for power, Brackney has lashed out.

Her preposterous lawsuit against Charlottesville City and its agents—delivered with all the steaming piles of “racism” that only lawyers trained at the feet of Johnnie Cochran in the modern vein of hucksters like Benjamin Crump and Al Sharpton could excrete—has less merit than the idea that “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.” There is nothing to say about it because her claims say nothing. It is a legal temper tantrum and a shameless money grab made in spite of the fact that she already accomplished her mission here. Proving once again that there is no honor amongst thieves, she even had the temerity to sue her bagman, Jim Mooney—who carried out her plots against officers like Jaeger in exchange for promotion.[6] He should’ve foreseen her turning on him for not defending her reign to the bitter end, but the prize of power was too sweet for him to resist.

We have to reframe our thinking when we consider the reasons she was brought here. Hand-selected by people that hate everything about America, law and order, and the foundations of our civilization, it is disingenuous to suggest for a moment that she was installed because she is a good police officer, a successful administrator, or because her purported motivations to improve and advance law enforcement in this city were honest. She is none of those things; the evidence has borne this out. She was brought here for a hidden purpose by the enemies of America. You can see it now, even though it is too late. Our only hope is to save another American community from her wrath and that of her ilk, and learn from our mistakes so that we do not repeat them in the future. Her goal was to destroy law enforcement in this city. She was successful. And recently, she has been courted for that purpose again, in the city made famous these past two years for going further down the path of institutionalized terrorism than perhaps any other in the nation: Minneapolis. God help the poor souls living there—if they have not been victimized enough by the leftist brownshirts, imagine what would have happened when the last few defenders of the law in that place are cast into the fire. Unable to eliminate their police department from existence by lawful means—despite a majority vote of a city council that resembles little more than a lynch mob—they tried to import a proven agent of destruction. The strength of her resume is not in policing or police leadership—it is in police destruction, and that keeps her a marketable candidate to the enemies of this nation.

I have heard that the mob agitators locally referred to as “activists” did not like Brackney, as though this was some sort of endorsement of her as a police officer. Sadly, though, they disliked her for a worse reason altogether. The agitators wanted more violent, direct action against the police. They wanted more Jaegers, strung up from the figurative trees (or not so figuratively, if you have seen what they scream at cops when they think no cameras are rolling). She didn’t deliver visceral enough revenge for all their imagined slights. Despite her approval of the rioting during the Summer of Hate against CPD officers that saw multiple major city thoroughfares blockaded around the UVA emergency room and elsewhere without clearing so much as a single lane of traffic (something she has a history of doing, especially when the cause de jour is spun up to inflame racial animosity),[7] it wasn’t enough for them. Even if you characterize the organized and spontaneous uprisings that year as “peaceful”, they didn’t actually want peace—they wanted power. They didn’t want police officers to quit in droves and flee to safety—they wanted bodies in political prisons and bodies on the streets.

You all failed, not just the police who struggled in vain to uphold some semblance of law-and-order while being repeatedly stabbed in the back and cut-off at the hamstrings. You— the citizenry—failed yourselves, whether through indifference or susceptibility to the enemy’s propaganda. You failed by not seeing something so clearly wrong and standing up for those in need. You shouldn’t have had to fight for your community—not that you did anyway. Your defenders, those people paid to do the dirty-work of society so that you can ignore the death and disease lurking in the underbelly of our culture, surrendered. They are as much to blame as you are. I have heard repeatedly that the individual officers of CPD are not to blame—that they are victims of city administration like the rest of us that suffer reduced emergency services because of their malfeasance. Cowardice (or as they think of it, self-preservation) is not a sufficient excuse, nor is the Nuremberg defense. They are as much to blame as anyone, perhaps more so. It is disappointing, but we have to reconcile our desire to support those officers that are fighting for us with reality— because they do not fight for us; they don’t even fight for themselves. They literally surrendered on bended knee to the enemy. And when they failed to circle the wagons, they left all of us at the mercy of savages. Just because you asked them to lay down their arms does not mean that they should have. The law, and the civilizing effect it is supposed to have on raw human emotion, is the real victim in all of this.

“Protect and serve” is a meaningless phrase, invented as one of the most successful rebranding campaigns in American advertising history (LAPD after the Watts race riots). It is fundamentally misunderstood by so many Americans because they have little understanding of civics or of their own laws. Law enforcement officers are meant to be impartial defenders of the law, not subservient to the whims of partisan politicians or the flighty fancies of mob rule. “Protect and serve,” more properly applied, refers to the police’s duty to the law, not to the citizenry. That is why, in the territorial days of the old West, being made an outlaw was among the harshest punishments that could be doled out. It removed a citizen from the protection of the law. The outlaw was fair game to anyone—to kill, rob, or abuse. He ceased to be a citizen. A law, however, is only as good as its enforcement. There must always be someone to bring a person accused of a crime before an arbiter, otherwise he cannot be adjudicated and his crime is de facto allowable.

“Decriminalization” has been a favorite of our underminers for several years because of this logic—what they cannot accomplish by the proper legislative means, they simply cease to enforce extralegally. You don’t have to actually win a mandate in the legislature by electing a majority to change the law through the democratic method if you can simply take the teeth—that is, the consequences that can only be delivered upon enforcement—out of the law. If no one arrests you, brings you to court, prosecutes you, and imprisons you after you murder someone, then murder is legal, no matter what is written about murder in the Code of Virginia.

The police officers of this city, in allowing the level of abuse and terror that they did to be heaped upon themselves without fighting back, in effect surrendered all lawful authority. They allowed themselves to be influenced away from enforcing the law, thus robbing us all of equal protection under the law. We saw this beginning when then-Lieutenant Mooney restrained officers from arresting hoodlums who invaded the legislative chambers at City Hall and prevented the execution of public business—an insurrection, you might say, aided and abetted by those who are supposed to ensure continuity of government. Major Mooney, promoted at lightning speed through the last few ranks of the department by Brackney, continued to sell us out for increases in position and salary in exchange for working as her principal henchman. Despite doing her dirty work, she is now suing him for not giving his undying loyalty. A career CPD man, he took his opportunity to reach the goal that he spoke of even as a field trainee to anyone who would listen—he wanted to be Chief of Police. His ambitions are well-known to the older officers of CPD, most of whom have retired or been run out of town as he consolidated power. Those close to the department might wonder why a man at the pinnacle of professional success, who had just achieved his lifelong goal, would abandon that goal for an abrupt, unannounced retirement. After spending a mere six weeks in hog heaven, Mooney quit overnight- to the befuddlement of the hapless local media.[8] What we do know for certain is that Mooney was under defense subpoena to testify in Officer Jaeger’s court case four days later— and that Jaeger rejected a plea deal that would’ve averted that testimony mere hours before the sudden retirement decision. We will never know for certain whether he quit to avoid being impeached for perjury in court, which could have resulted in Brady appeals for hundreds of city criminal cases going back two decades-—Jaeger’s case was dismissed out-of-hand, robbing us all of the truth that the city still refuses to admit.

Officer Brad Wood’s tale is just another in a string of targeted attacks on police morale and “faith in the law.” Wood made a legally justified stop on a vehicle, the driver of which resisted lawful detention. Though the articulation and execution of the stop could have been better (as with all police encounters, no one is ever perfect), it was fundamentally legal. He nonetheless found himself excoriated and humiliated online by his own chief, who then fired him and got the criminal a hefty sum of money, paid-out from your pockets. The chief’s actions were an encouragement to the driver and to all observers to fight and resist lawful authority.

Episodes like Officers Jaeger’s and Wood’s have secondary and tertiary casualty-producing effects, as designed. It is a daisy-chain attack. After witnessing assaults on cops like this one go unpunished, if a qualified officer had the opportunity to quit and move to another agency—or escape into another line of work altogether—he took it.

The current mayor is not exempt criticism of his role in contributing to the police problem in his city. In recent public statements on Mr. Schilling’s valuable mayoral radio interviews (which provide unparalleled public discourse with our officials that not one other local media outlet can claim), Charlottesville Mayor Lloyd Snook betrayed his ignorance or idiocy when he claimed that a historically young, inexperienced patrol division is not an issue of concern. Who does he imagine trains young officers? Field Training Officers (FTOs) have to be experienced and sufficiently motivated to stay in patrol when detective and supervisory roles beckon with perks or pay. The Career Program used to be the backbone of CPD, before former chief Al Thomas got rid of it so that he could create “corporals”—not because they were needed in Charlottesville, but because he had corporals in Lexington. Career officers got the pay and benefits of supervision while remaining on the street for twenty years or more. Officers now flee the street at the first possible opportunity, to avoid contacts with citizens who have been taught to fight and abuse them with the knowledge that the officer will never be judged fairly for what he must do to restore order. CPD outsources its basic training to a regional academy shared with agencies as far away as Page County and Clifton Forge—a rubber-stamp curriculum to satisfy state requirements. Officers used to learn what they really needed to know in FTO, but there is no one left to teach them. FTO went from being an honor to a forced assignment under Brackney, with some FTOs having less than two years on the job. They don’t know their own jobs- policing is something that can really only be learned through experience- let alone know how to teach it to someone else. If Snook wants ill-trained, under-experienced cops to be thrust into violent, volatile situations totally unprepared for what they have to do, then he has abetted the creation of the perfect storm.

We didn’t have a problem with bad cops. Brackney manufactured the problem, and it is resulting in the creation of actual bad cops—not by malice, but simply by poor preparation. Cops don’t lateral into CPD. They lateral out, or quit—the lucky ones who avoided the purges, that is. It is all the more reason why a public show of faith in cops, especially cops who are her victims, is needed more than ever. Talent has to be brought back into the patrol ranks, or we will see mistakes compound to the detriment of us all.

Every officer that has stood by while watching the corruption of our law enforcement institutions, not to mention many public officials, is guilty of cowardice. Though the decision to withdraw from the law and protect their own livelihoods may be rational, is nonetheless inexcusable. We have criminally charged or summarily executed soldiers who made a commitment to be brave before the enemy—to do things that defied their own self-preservation—and failed to uphold those promises. These protected themselves but had a duty to act contrary to that instinct—the same as a police officer. An American soldier, however, is backed up by the most substantial support network in human history. He can find it easier to be brave than a police officer in Brackney’s America, even though the soldier is more likely to be killed rather than to simply lose a job. Brackney and the rest of our enemies promise total destruction of livelihoods and reputations, and thus far they have succeeded. Would an American soldier go into combat without air support, intelligence, artillery, and thousands of years’ worth of training and experience of his leadership guiding their decision-making? Of course not. Rip away that support, and doing brave things is tantamount to suicide. The only reason why the police have lost their support, however, is because they surrendered it. They had an opportunity to fight back bravely and cowered instead.

That is why there are no Charlottesville police officers left. You will see them, driving around in uniforms that are more properly called costumes. They are decorations thrown over a failed society, useless except to convince you not to look beneath the surface. You, as citizens, failed to speak out against the destruction. They, the police, let it happen. They would be less pitiful if they had given up their badges—but they clung to them instead, each one a vile and perjured example to the rest of us. Every time you see a Charlottesville police officer, think of the consequences of not standing up for what is right. Think of what happens when nobody says, “here, but no further.” Think of what happens when there are no brave men left. Take pity on them, yes, but revile them as well. They sacrificed you, trying to save themselves, and lost their honor in the process.

Another month goes by; another list of crimes that CPD will not investigate or enforce. If you cannot call the police upon witnessing suspicious activity and expect a patrolman to investigate, then you do not have basic police protection. There is no crime in progress that cannot be classified in dispatch as suspicious, and many of the worst criminals are caught before or in the act of heinous offenses because a responsible citizen worked with police by summoning a patrolman, who interdicted that nefarious activity with vigor. That is one of the fundamental Peelian principles upon which all modern law enforcement is based—the police officer is merely a citizen paid to address full-time what all citizens are responsible for, by virtue of their social contract. The police cannot claim to still be police while publishing lists of crimes that they have de facto legalized. They cry that it is not their fault, but they are the ones who allowed the conditions to fester that led to their staffing crisis. And if you think that it won’t happen to you, think again. One of the many recent shootings on the Downtown Mall was witnessed by a couple of tourists. What they took away from that experience was not the shocking proliferation of public gunfire in what was once the city’s leisure and recreation destination; however, they noticed the extreme dearth of officers responding to a critical incident.[9]

People from out of town, visiting to prop up our flailing hospitality economy with their dollars, packed-up and left because of crime. Not because of the crime itself (although that likely would have been prevented if CPD still employed proactive walking patrols, as they used to do frequently on the Mall and in other neighborhoods), but because of the wanton response. As usual, citizens rushed to bury their heads in the sand, repeating the tired claims ad nauseam. Charlottesville isn’t actually dangerous, it just seems that way. The riot was worse, this is nothing. It wasn’t even a shooting. By all means, continue to be ignorant. An outside observer just told you all what you refuse to see. Charlottesville is not safe because it doesn’t have sufficient policing. Those visitors voted with their dollars to abandon Charlottesville to its fate. You refuse to do anything to halt that inevitable fate. It will only get worse if the destruction of CPD, even now in its late stages, isn’t arrested. A slippery slope indeed—that shooting escalated into murder on the Mall within a week of my first draft of this essay. Another murder quickly followed, this time wounding several passersby. Will you continue to bury your heads until an innocent citizen is killed in front of a bougie wine bar (next to an empty storefront, abandoned because customers don’t like to be harassed by drunks on the way in)? How about when the casualties reach double digits—as the fire department clearly expects, since they are now sending paramedics downtown wearing ballistic helmets and armor plating?[10] Or will you carry your pride to the end, as you lay dying with a 9mm bullet in your chest, having just finished your last Charlottesville fine-dining experience ever and thinking how you would’ve wanted someone between you and the bullet—as if we’d never had proper cops before? Mayhem spreads like a virus, and the medicine is nowhere to be found—a situation suspiciously similar to politicians publicly refusing to take a medical injection because it had been developed under an administration that they hated, despite its supposedly life-saving effects.

There is a way out for these wretched “policemen;” a path to redemption. The criminal codes are there, waiting to be enforced. Just because the Commonwealth’s Attorney has joined the enemy does not mean that our new attorney general or governor cannot help. Special prosecutors can be appointed. The criminals can still be held accountable. Those men were elected in part due to the desperation of people like you and me, citizens clinging to the last vestiges of American civilization. We believe in the legal system, and these like-minded allies will need to be brought into the system in a deliberate and legal manner, or we are no better than the enemy.

Sections 18.1-481 through 485 of the Code of Virginia define treason against the Commonwealth. Notable among the several acts constituting treason, a state felony, is “resisting the execution of the laws under color of its authority.” Also notable is the section describing that “it shall be unlawful for any person to join, assist or otherwise contribute to any group or organization which, to the knowledge of such person, advocates or has as its purpose, aim or objective, any change, by force, violence, or other unlawful means in the government of the Commonwealth.” We witnessed CPD leadership allowing unsanctioned riots organized by groups who explicitly demand change to the law and government—changes that they cannot achieve the democratic way. These groups have used violence to achieve their goals—famously attacking Officer Jaeger himself[11] along with thousands of other officers and setting dozens of American cities to the torch. Lesser offenses that we have witnessed the CPD “officers” commit or allow to be committed include perjury, embezzlement, driving under the influence, and obstruction of justice. City councilors were caught red-handed stealing public funds to finance anti-government extremists (or just pay for a night out at Hooter’s[12]) and let go scot-free. Take, for instance, the episode where Nikuyah Walker paid-off local rabble-rouser Janice Redinger mere months before Redinger kicked-off the end-around with Walker’s partner-in-crime Brackney by filing the unofficial, spurious complaint against Officer Jaeger that ultimately ended with his demise[13] (despite being a defense attorney, she didn’t even represent Jaeger’s arrestee- who himself never filed a complaint and had to be compelled to testify, which he ended up refusing to do anyway).[14] The campaigns against officers, so publicly propagandized, were not so much targeted at the public as they were at other police officers. Fall into line behind the regime or we will do this to you. That is intimidation to influence them in their public acts; that is a crime.[15]

The local media continues to spin the praises of feckless do-gooders like the “BUCK Squad” and “Peace in the Streets,” which are nothing more than a bunch of grifters pretending that they can do what the legal system refuses to do—and failing.[16] The police department, despite having the ball firmly in their court once Brackney was finally ejected, has simply declined to play. Even if they refuse to enforce the law, CPD “leadership” continues to bemoan the skyrocketing violent crime rate as though they can do nothing about it. Tony Newberry recently revealed that CPD has recorded one hundred and sixty-two shootings in six months—almost one a day for a significant, sustained period of time. Newberry, who is the only police official to testify in Officer Jaeger’s trial (as a defense expert,[17] and despite the fact that every police officer on the subpoena list was demanded by the defense—not the Commonwealth), was promoted to captain—an unusual reward for certifying under oath that a police officer did nothing wrong yet was fired anyway. Having stepped into leadership only one rank below Tito Durette, who seems content to ride-out a glide path to retirement as long as he can without actually doing anything, Newberry is in a prime position to restore the one thing that has decimated staffing, and preventing the return of competent, proactive policing. Applicants and laterals need to know that they have the confidence of the administration to do their jobs without persecution. Newberry is perhaps the best-placed person to publicly reaffirm the department’s published confidence in Jaeger’s police actions, and to publicly reject Brackney’s terror. Publicly making right with Jaeger, Wood, and the other victims of her purges is probably the only thing that can bring-in quality police officers. No matter what the mayor has to pontificate about with regards to salaries, cops don’t pursue for this work for the money. Real police do it because they want to be cops, not because they want a government paycheck and benefits (although that’s all we’re stuck with at the moment). Just look at the Seattle Police Department; they publicize salaries over a hundred thousand dollars, but remain hundreds of officers short[18] and have also published lists of crimes that are now de facto legal.

It would be so simple for us to have police again. They will need support to do it, yes, but the choice rests with them. The choice is to make a small act of bravery, the first step towards redemption. Enforcing the law as written—no matter the outrage from the enemy, who has been allowed uninhibited operation recently—would set a powerful example going forward. There is nothing stopping the current badge-holders from disavowing the actions of the criminals of the past and making reparations. For those officers who claim that they weren’t here during Brackney’s reign and are somehow absolved of guilt, I say to them, no. You are as stained with shame as the ones who let it happen, because you are allowing it to perpetuate. You are the inheritors of disgrace.

The direct victims of Brackney, and the dozens of indirect victims whose lives were uprooted, can be invited back into the fold. The city can refuse to pay her ransom and instead choose to support the officers that are employed to support us all. We can restore the circle of trust that used to bind us together under the law. Hold the criminals accountable, and our society may yet be saved. Trust, being the glue of our social contract, can be restored—if only for the price of a little bravery. Cops and citizens together can take back our country, by standing up to criminals—no matter what their positions are, the propaganda they peddle, or the popularity they derive from mob mentality.

The Charlottesville Police Department does not exist anymore. The CPD cannot resurrect public safety if they continue down the path they have laid out for themselves. But the department can be resurrected—and with it, our safety and our city.




[3] “One UPD officer, who spoke under the condition of anonymity because officers are not allowed to speak with the media, said because Segways can’t be used on sidewalks, it has been difficult to navigate them through rush hour traffic… the vehicles can also be difficult to use in certain situations, like in very crowded areas or during severe weather, experts said… ‘I have always preferred the bicycle because they are more flexible,” [Michael Dorn, the executive director of the security consulting firm Safe Havens International] said. “For example, if you are chasing a subject you can take the bicycle with you over an obstacle such as a fence, and continue the chase, whereas with the Segway, you can’t.’” (




The promotion took place six weeks after Mooney served a warrant on Jaeger, despite public documentation that he lied (perjuriously) to obtain the warrant, and in public statements thereafter.

“In that complaint, Mooney swore that Jaeger was never interviewed and therefore never gave a justification for his use of force. Earlier in the document, however, Mooney described the interview Jaeger gave to Pleasants. This contradicted the basis for Mooney’s own argument that he could not understand why Jaeger did what he did—in spite of the fact that Jaeger clearly explained his actions in the initial review process.

“Notably, in the complaint, Mooney’s explanation that Brackney never actually saw (much less cleared) the use of force investigation/packet despite being mandated to do so by a policy she herself signed, is damning. Mooney’s aspersion that Brackney never saw the copied UOF email (addressed to her and Mitchell) would be—if true—a terminable offense for any other officer (failing to perform/cooperate with force investigations).” (








[14] “Clearly a coached and reluctant witness at the original trial, Henderson decided to skip the encore.” (


[16] “Not only were fliers for the event identifying the organization as the beneficiary of funds raised, but the organization itself was apparently on the ABC permit needed to serve alcohol. In other words, Peace in the Streets was indeed, if not the host as the ABC permit would indicate, directly involved in the event.” (

[17] “Question: “And did you find any violations of policy on Mr. Jaeger’s behalf in that incident?” (in reference to the submitted report)

Answer: “I did not.’” (



  1. This was perfectly accurate. There is even more that could be said. I wish the author was courageous enough to print his or her name but I understand. Thank you.

  2. Under Signer then Walker i saw the PD devolve into a defacto enforcement arm of the Democrat party that enforced their ideologies by denying those who came to city council to air their greivances only to be escorted out by cops when they were given the word by Signer or denied their right to speak by szakos and the mob employing the “heckler’s veto” all while the cops stood by and did nothing.
    I’ve seen the cops stand by and allow wanton destruction to public monuments and to streets during the woke childrens tantrums either in fear, acquiesence, or agreement.
    Those cops who disagreed with this left and those who agreed with these liberal tenents stayed on.
    Any cop who is willing to deny me any of my rights only to keep their job should not be a cop and I’m afraid that is what we are left with. When growing up we were taught to respect and trust the police, and up until the last 5-6 years i used to but moreso now they have devolved into a “Bully with a badge” thanks to the racist mayor walker and signer and the command structure at CPD who are more interested in appeasing the vocal minority who believe this town is full of white supremacists despite no Charlottesville citizens being arrested during the UTR rally (How long are we going to beat that dead horse) in an effort to keep their victim status alive? (Even people from other incidents have moved on!).
    We know that a majority of the crime in this town is committed by minority of criminals in the black community but no one wants to say that for fear of being called a racist. That is merely a tactic used to silence the “lilly livered” white cowards into not speaking up and allowing it to happen. Plain and simple.
    The problem is that under Brackney’s leadership the activists were allowed to take over the streets shutting them down with their “protests” dancing and chanting “You gonna lose yo job, oh yeah!” Well they got what they wanted by defunding the police and who now is suffering? Those same neighborhoods where these activists live like Hardy Dr. with shooting and murders. The thugs and criminals don’t come to my neighborhood and if they did i might remind them i practice my 2nd amendment rights judiciously. I would remind all those activists of an old saying….”Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it”…. now We have to live with it….🤬

  3. And if almost on a scripted cue, we awaken this morning to three dead, two injured, U. VA, on lockdown with canceled classes and students sheltering in place. City and County public schools closed and U. VA employees that can, are told to work remotely. K-9 units were brought in from Louisa county, VSP troopers and aerial reconnaissance were brought in.

    One cannot help but you submit the inquiry that is so obvious a blind man can see it with a stick. That being, had to be more than four police officers on duty Sunday night is it possible that there would be no manhunt today? That the assailant would not have slipped through such a wide Gap due to understanding. And that understanding, per this article, traces a straight line back to Brackney and Walker.

    Now that the University of Virginia Police Department has posted a photo ID of our assailant, it is going to be extremely fascinating to see how the spin measures work this one. Considering, the serial killer are mass shooter is not quite, and is a student at Mr Jefferson’s University. Traitorr Joe Biden claims that it was the actions of 2017 here in Charlottesville that caused him to run for the presidency. Well, since none of your white supremacist, right wing conspiracy propaganda can be used, let’s see how old Joe answers this one.

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