perriello-filmstripIn what has become a time-honored tradition at the Charlottesville, Virginia office of Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello, police were dispatched (this time in advance) to disband a scheduled citizen demonstration there.

The Charlottesville Police Department, after consultation with Charlottesville Commonwealth’s Attorney and “machine” Democrat Warner David Chapman, has issued a warning to would-be protesters at the Charlottesville district office of Congressman Perriello: assemble in the parking lot and you’ll be subject to arrest.

According to Chapman’s interpretation, Congressman Perriello has located his office such that unfavorable protests may legally be banned from the premises—in contradiction to the spirit, if not the letter of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Joshua Lambert, chairman of the University of Virginia College Republicans, had planned a protest outside of Congressman Perriello’s office on the afternoon of November 17, 2009. However, upon arrival, Lambert was intercepted by three high-ranking officers from the Charlottesville Police Department who politely, but in no uncertain terms conveyed that the parking lot was off-limits to protesters.

Lambert and other aggrieved citizen groups are seeking legal support to assist in re-establishing their abridged rights.

See Josh Lambert describe the Charlottesville Police Department’s admonition in an exclusive on-scene interview:



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