It’s not been a good run for Dan Moy in his soulless quest to unseat fellow Republican Bob Good in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District.

First, in an exclusive Schilling Show exposé, Moy’s affiliation with a hard-left-leaning, pro-Democrat veterans’ group was revealed and documented.

Then, Moy’s campaign launched a hysterical, petulant attack—via press release—on the credibility of The Schilling Show and founder, Rob Schilling.

Now, Moy is the subject of criticism from his own party’s leadership.

Recently, a letter disparaging of Moy was sent by 5th District Republican Congressional Committee Vice Chair, Rick Buchanan, to his 24 Unit Chairs. The dispatch specified Dan Moy’s “dereliction of duty” in Moy’s performance as Charlottesville GOP Chair.

Moy, who has made “leadership” the cornerstone of his fledgling campaign, clearly was lacking in his governance of Charlottesville’s Republicans, as evidenced by Buchanan’s stern reproval.

The letter, provided to The Schilling Show by multiple non-leadership sources, appears unedited below:

Note to the Unit Chairs of the 5th,

In an effort to meet with and get to know the members of the various 5th District Committees I have traveled around the 5th District leading up to being the new Chairman of the 5th. I have been very impressed with the leadership displayed by the various Chairmen and Chairwomen in championing all of the activities being undertaken by their units. I learned there are plans and reporting of very impressive Unit fundraisers which are being scheduled, with the funds collected to be used in the efforts to elect local Republican candidates. I have seen lots of local elected officials attending the meetings and enthusiastic participation in activities such as reports on Board of Supervisor and School Board meetings, efforts in furthering election integrity activities and reports from members about important local issues, just to name a few of the things being done. And at every meeting I observed robust attendance and an excitement in the air that a packed venue always displays.

All of these activities can be attributed to strong leadership.

So, it came as very disheartening to me when I discovered from members of the Charlottesville Republican Committee that this sort of leadership has been absent from duty.

Since the current Chairman of the Charlottesville Committee was elected on March 21, 2020, he has had only three called meetings, August 18, 2020, February 24, 2021 and April 28, 2021, prior to last week’s meeting to vote on the call for the method of reconstitution. All three meetings were zoom calls.

This is a direct dereliction of duty being shown to the Charlottesville Committee members, where the kind of leadership I have seen in other Committees is needed. This is also in direct violation of Article 4, Section D, paragraph 2-C of the State Party Plan which states that the Chairman “shall convene the Unit Committee when required, but in no event less than once during each calendar quarter, with no more than four (4) months between each meeting.”

As the Charlottesville Committee is in the process of reorganization, it is my hope that the new leadership will take a different direction and move forward with a more vigorous leadership role as exemplified by our other unit Chairmen in the 5th.

I stand ready to assist each of you in our team effort to combat the scourge being placed on our state and country by the Democrats in leadership roles, and I look forward to working with each of you to accomplish the goals we will be deciding as a body. With hard (yet enjoyable) work I am certain we can actually take back Virginia and KEEP IT!

Rick Buchanan
Vice Chair
5th District Republican Congressional Committee

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