In a move straight out of the Tom Perriello playbook, Virginia 5th District GOP congressional challenger, Dan Moy, has ditched a previously confirmed interview with The Schilling Show.

The fledgling campaign-without-a-cause cited a recent, fully documented exposé of Moy’s close association with Democrat operatives as an excuse for the pull-out:

I regret that your actions have required me to send this email, but after being approached to be on the Rob Schilling show, you have continuously stated and posted on your blog inaccuracies without ever fact checking your statements nor contacting our campaign for information or a statement before spreading our opponent’s fake attacks as if they are real news.

It is disappointing that you have proved yourself to be fake news and a propaganda program for our opponent. With these facts being the case, Dan Moy will not be participating in this Monday’s interview, nor in anything else with your propaganda, fake news program for the duration of this campaign.

For liberty,

Richard Crouse
Campaign Manager

Richard Crouse, Moy’s linguistically challenged “campaign manager,” is known:

For attacking conservative Republicans like Sen. Amanda Chase;


For expressing support for pro-Democrat media provocateurs like the University of Virginia’s Larry Sabato;

For furthering various left-wing J6-related narratives:

As a strong supporter of former 5th District representative, Denver Riggleman, who now is a close confidant of Nancy Pelosi in her January 6 partisan witch-hunt.

Moy’s acceptance and then last-minute cancellation of an interview on The Schilling Show now has been memorialized in a pathetically derisory “media release” from the campaign, addressing Moy’s retreat:


CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA — Today, Richard Crouse, Campaign Manager for Dan Moy for Congress issued the following statement regarding the campaign’s official position on The Rob Schilling Show being fake news and a Bob Good propaganda outlet:

“The Dan Moy for Congress campaign will always contrast our opponent by making ourselves accessible, responsive, and available to media outlets around the district. However, when an outlet proves itself to be propaganda for our opponent or peddling falsehoods, we will not feed fake news to help them improve ratings and feed the controversy they stoke for monetary gain. After being approached to be on the Rob Schilling show, the host has continuously stated and posted on his blog inaccuracies without ever fact checking his statements nor contacting the campaign for information or a statement before spreading our opponent’s fake attacks as if they are real news.”

Crouse continued, “This is a disservice not only to his profession as an investigative reporter/journalist, but the to the citizens who listen to his radio show. As President Trump has stated several times, we just want a fair shake, and if a journalist cannot do it and is blatantly biased, then they are fake news and we will not patronize their deceit.

It is unfortunate that Dan Moy will not be participating in this Monday’s interview, nor in anything else with his propaganda, fake news program for the duration of this campaign.”

Notably, Moy’s “fake news” attack on The Schilling Show was completely unsubstantiated in the media release; not a single reported statement was challenged.

Unanswered questions about Moy’s campaign remain, principally, why would Moy assist and coordinate with an organization (New Politics) that works to elect primarily Democrats—i.e. Abigail Spanberger, Elaine Luria, and Kathy Tran—who are pro-abortion and cater to teachers’ unions?

Such candidates are hostile to conservative principles that Moy claims to support and are substantially destructive to the nation and the Commonwealth.

Moy’s refusal to answer relevant questions about his affiliation with New Politics speaks volumes about his quest for power—more than he could ever say in a 10-minute radio interview.


  1. That was wild. Quite the temper tantrum! Richard Crouse AKA “Tantrum in a Tea Cup”. What is that quote — “you protest too much”?

    Way to go Richard Tantrum. Sink Dan Moy’s campaign by posting that stupid “press release” on the campaign’s webpage. Questionable why anyone would hire you after those loud mouth tweets and now this sputtering embarrassment. A graduate of the Riggleman school of derisive nastiness.

    Dan should have taken more testosterone-boosting pills and done the interview. If he can’t face a local radio host who dug up stuff, how can you compete in the general election or hold the line in Congress? (No offense Mr. Shilling. You are tops in my book).

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