Dan Moy, Charlottesville GOP Chair and recently announced intra-party challenger to Congressman Bob Good (VA-05), may be more—or less—than he appears.

Many political observers were surprised by Moy’s entry into the Fifth District race, as Good, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, has well represented conservative interests of the District since taking office in 2021.

Little was known of Moy, an Air Force veteran, who arrived in Charlottesville and quickly commandeered the remnants of the leftist city’s Republican committee.

Moy’s candidacy is preceded by his affiliation with “New Politics,” a Democrat-run political “non-profit” that works to place ex-servicemembers—predominantly those with hard progressive leanings—into local, state, and federal elected office in order to “revitalize democracy.” Moy serves on the New Politics’ “Veterans Council” and has worked on “strategic planning” for the organization.

The term “New Politics” has long been associated with the Democrat Party and was used by nefarious former Fifth District congressman, Tom Perriello, in referring to his own political aspirations.

Notably, New Politics backed Virginia Congresswomen Abigail Spanberger (VA-07), who ran as a moderate, but overwhelmingly has served the political agenda of Nancy Pelosi; and Elaine Luria (VA-02), another centrist-imposter, who has garnered a “100%” rating from Planned Parenthood and an “A” grade from the National Education Association.

Perhaps most notorious of the New Politics’-championed candidate-crop is Virginia State Delegate, Kathy Tran (VA-42), whose infamous Abortion Bill appeared to allow for mid-delivery infanticide.

New Politics leadership also is clearly and decidedly progressive.

Emily Cherniack, founder and executive director of New Politics, has solid leftist bona fides. She has been recognized as one of the “Politico 50,” and her organization was cited by the Washington Post for helping 2018 Democrats “retake the majority” in the United States House of Representatives.

Of New Politics’ 69 endorsed candidates, the vast majority are Democrats, with token GOP pothunters like Michigan Congressman Peter Meijer (who voted to impeach President Donald Trump) providing political cover for the organization, which claims to be “bi-partisan.”

In what is thus-far a Tom Perriello-esqueroll your sleeves up and get things done” and “work hard and raise a family” campaign, Moy has not yet taken issue with any of Good’s specific Congressional votes. Rather, he is focusing on “caring about people” and “lead[ing] right,” while claiming in contrast to Good, he would not be as “polarizing” or “controversial.”

Moy—a steadfast behind-the-scenes supporter of former Fifth District Congressman, Denver Riggleman—has initiated a campaign that is seen by some as political payback for Good’s ousting the now-unpopular (and since co-opted ) Riggleman from his single-term seat.

But, there may be a simpler answer to the questions surrounding Moy’s candidacy. Perhaps this effort satisfies his long-held personal ambition to “run for office” as evidenced by the Harvard classes he took to further this objective.

In any event, under the banner of “unifying” an already-congealing Fifth District, Moy’s candidacy for Congress is certain to further divide it.



  1. You have answered a lot of questions. My thanks for your work.

    Moy is also a graduate of the Lead Virginia class of 2019. He has a video on Lead Virginia’s Facebook from only a week ago, where he talks about Lead Virginia as a “community of fellow travelers”. That’s a term used by the left. No thanks Komrade. You a quisling?

    Doesn’t all of Moy’s social media look too perfect? Even the Chancellorsville committee page is about Dan. Now that I think about it, Moy appears to be another mil. intell. like Gade, Schwoeler, Spanburger, who all sprang out of nowhere and aimed straight for power. Curious.

  2. This is a cherry picked hit job….why didn’t Schilling mention conservative lawmakers who have benefited from their association with New Politics…….Dan Moy is a veteran and a Patriot….

  3. why didn’t Schilling mention conservative lawmakers who have benefited from their association with New Politics

    For the same reason I didn’t mention any conservative lawmakers who have benefitted from their association with Planned Parenthood. The parent organization is likewise promoting evil in America.

  4. Cynthia — You are trying to divert the conversation away from Moy. Why are you trying to pull that ploy, and trying to discredit Schilling as well?

    This issue here is Moy’s background, which I must say, is suspicious. Everyone must investigate him and Good. That’s fair and responsible.

    Cynthia, how are you connected to Moy? What has he done here in Charlottesville to advance republican causes? He has to have action to get me to consider him. We know he’s ex-military but that doesn’t mean he is qualified for high office or that he is a real republican. Lots of military are really very left-progressive. Spouting platitudes of he’s a “veteran and Patriot” isn’t going to convince me to vote. Haven’t we all been fooled too many times before? What else you got? Who is supporting and financing his campaign?

  5. I respect Rob so very much and am all the more disheartened by this piece with allusions toward something nefarious. I was led during my tenure at the Pentagon by Col Moy. I have much to say on this topic about Dan’s ability to lead, his effectivity, the levels at which he has operated and the grace he has exhibited in his position. So much that the public does not understand about how things really work in Congress, Dan knows from first hand experience. I worked in a capacity where my mission was at some times in conflict with Dan’s. And that is where you can see someone’s character emerge. I have nothing but good things to say about Dan. I am very unhappy about Rob’s piece which casts a terrible shadow on a humble worker who has stepped up time and again, and to honest in times where Congressman Good did not. Also, to imply that Dan moved to Charlottesville with political goals without asking him. Dan got married late in life after he retired from the military. He is a patriot and a life long learner who came to Charlottesville to write a history book about the Revolutionary War. He stepped up to lead the local Cville Republican Party because someone asked him to, when no one else would. And he energized so many people in Albemarle as well. Let me tell you he did more for the locals, to include parents fighting for their rights with the ACPS than any official in or near this town. And so did Rob Schilling. Dan is a citizen patriot and he doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment. If you don’t want to vote for him, ok. But why in the world would we expect that he doesn’t have a right to put his name forward and be treated with respect. He is a solid Christian, a kind soul, and someone who loves this country. We deserve options and to be frank, Bob Good’s methods are distasteful. And he did absolutely zero to help the parents in Albemarle – the same parents who helped Youngkin get elected. But Dan did. And he didn’t ask for anything in return.

  6. Thank you Rob Schilling for helping us get to know Dan Moy and his background with New Politics. It is very disconcerting to me that Dan would try to upstage a solid Conservative Republican Leader like Bob Good, who has represented us very well, through his support of border security, election integrity, pro life, schools, and his leadership as a member of the Freedom Caucus. WE NEED TO CONSOLIDATE AS CONSERVATIVES! Don’t allow a newbie the opportunity to undermine all that Bob Good has done.
    Please see all Rep Bob Good has accomplished in his 2 years in office:
    …then ask yourself if you’re really comfortable taking on a ‘newbie’ who is tied to known Democratic political operatives.

  7. I can only hope that people will research this 5th district to see it’s importance nationally and the powerful impact for America that Bob Good has made in under 2 short years. The dems want this district bad! They will spend any amount of money to get it. I encourage us to unite around Bob Good as an influential agent for change & freedom. (another ‘Connie’)

  8. Nicki Athey, you wrote a lot of words. Glowing words of praise for Dan but you neglected to provide any substance or examples. I don’t care what he did in the DoD before. What exactly has he done for us here in C-ville that qualifies him to represent us in congress? So what if he became chairman of the C-ville republican group (are you even a member of that group?). What has he done with it? Be specific. Be concise. ‘Cause right now, I don’t know of anything.

    Do you know who is backing him? Somebody’s paying for this campaign. Smells like the main objective is revenge against Good. Is that you Riggleman?

  9. moy was also a damn riggleman man. riggleman sits as a adviser on Jan, 6 committee with the leftist democrats what does that tell you. I bet he likes daniel gade also, the three ass wipes rhino lincolnites

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