democratic_socialist_iconIn a highly unethical move on the eve of a City Council election, the Charlottesville Democrat “machine” (including Charlottesville City Council and City Government) are using the taxpayer-funded Charlottesville City Communications Department to assist Democrat Dave Norris (and by association, his Democrat running mate, Kristin Szakos) in winning Tuesday’s election.

This evening, Charlottesville City Director of Disinformation, Ric Barrick, sent the following press release to a select distribution list:

From: “Barrick, Ric” <>

Date: October 30, 2009 03:48:42 PM EDT

To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Subject: Join Us Monday

Join City Council along with members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board at Forest Hills Park this Monday at 3 for a special community announcement about expanding parks and green space.

The Democrat+ City Hall Cabal know that “Expanding Parks and Green Space” will have particular appeal to the majority of Charlottesville voters during this election cycle. The day-before-election-day timing of this “event” reeks of corruption in its transparency of purpose: to buy, with city taxpayer dollars, Democrat votes for machine-backed candidates on election day.

With City Manager Gary O’Connell “out” on a mysterious medical leave, no one knows who currently is overseeing day-to-day City Hall shenanigans, but whomever is in control needs to stop this publicly funded political pandering scheme before it begins.

Click on names below to e-mail demands that this inappropriately timed event be terminated:

City Manager Gary O’Connell

Assistant City Manager Maurice Jones

Economic Development Director Aubrey Watts

City Attorney Craig Brown

Communications Director Ric Barrick

Mayor David Norris

Charlottesville City Council

And, call City Manager O’Connell to insist that he intervene: 434-970-3101

Only citizen expression of outrage will prevent such a contemptible breach of the public trust from occurring on Monday, November 2 and in the future.

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