Former Charlottesville Police Officer, Jeffrey Jaeger, is a step closer to complete vindication.

Jaeger, convicted last December on trumped-up charges of misdemeanor battery, immediately appealed the court’s dubious finding. At yesterday’s follow-up hearing, the Commonwealth’s key and only witness, Andre Henderson, was a no-show.

And without Henderson’s testimony, the Commonwealth has no case.

Clearly a coached and reluctant witness at the original trial, Henderson decided to skip the encore. As a jury pool of nearly forty awaited the trial’s commencement, Judge Richard Moore was increasingly agitated at the Commonwealth’s failure to produce the witness.

Charlottesville Commonwealth’s Attorney, Joe Platania, began calling Henderson at approximately 8:00 AM. When reached, witness Henderson claimed that he could not attend because he didn’t have a ride. Platania offered to dispatch a Sheriff’s Deputy for transportation, but Henderson demurred, citing a new excuse: he wasn’t feeling well. At this point, the witness stopped responding to Platania’s texts and calls (which ultimately numbered more than thirty).

Subsequently, Judge Moore issued a capias to have Henderson arrested and brought before the court to substantiate the claim of ill health—with the caveat that if the witness willfully disregarded his subpoena, the Commonwealth’s case against Jaeger will be dismissed with prejudice.

In the meantime, Jaeger and his family continue to suffer emotionally, financially, and reputationally from a mindless and baseless prosecution, wrongfully initiated to satiate a ravenous mob—and now nothing more than tortured folly.


  1. I truly feel for Mr. Jaeger and his family. No one will truly understand what they are going through until you’re put in this position. Mooney should be arrayed and face charges for perjury. Let’s see if Platania files charges against Mooney. I find it hilarious Mooney retired as quickly as he did. He saw the writing on the wall. He has been unfit to serve as a police officer and wear any type of uniform. I have no respect for him. I hope the Mr. Jaeger sue the city. This is what the city deserve. Karma is a b***h.

  2. Mooney has been a bully with a badge for years and a disloyal turd. People under him dispise him for being a turncoat and a fat jerk.

  3. Brackney–like Outlaw in Philly–was a 100% politically-correct hire by far left city politicians. And both have had similar results: departmental anarchy, turnover, crime problems, unrest and dysfunction. This is what happens when you “re-imagine policing” with people who have the imaginations of 10-year-olds. Time to fix those fire trucks in CFD: How easy is it to remove “World Class City” decals from a Pierce pumper?

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