A Daily Progress story on reported COVID cases in the Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) missed two key points salient to the ongoing public health conversation.

The article references, without comment, four staff members who “tested positive for COVID-19.” Later revealed in the story: according to Eileen Gomez, ACPS COVID-19 Coordinator, “one of the Albemarle County staff members who tested positive was not vaccinated.”

In other words, 3-of-4 or 75% of COVID-positive ACPS-reported staff cases were vaccinated. Analysis of this astounding statistic was absent from the story.

The illogic continues, as the writer reports:

Additionally, 21 students and one staff member are currently quarantining because of exposure during the last week. The majority of the people are in quarantine because of exposure on school buses, division COO Rosalyn Schmitt told county School Board members Thursday evening.

That’s because the definition of who is considered a close contact is different on a school bus versus the classroom, where a child who comes within three to six feet of an infected student doesn’t have to quarantine if both were wearing masks correctly and consistently for the entire time. [emphasis added]

The article provides no explanation as to why bus exposure would be treated differently than classroom exposure. Expedience is presumed.

A limited-exception vaccine mandate recently was imposed on all ACPS teachers and staff.

School Board member David Oberg issued a plea to unvaccinated ACPS staff:

“For my own state of mind, I urge our employees to get vaccinated,” School Board member David Oberg said.

“Please. Any child who gets sick because one of our employees does not get vaccinated will crush me.”

Oberg—in his dispensing of medical advice—did not indicate or was not asked if he would be crushed by vaccinated ACPS staff sickening a child, a possible scenario confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control.

Mindless statements and senseless policies continue to rule the day in Albemarle County Public Schools, where science is disregarded and panic is embraced.


  1. Studies show that the vaccines are roughly 90% effective at stopping the transmission of COVID. One study showed that they are 96% effective in preventing death from the Delta variant.

  2. Personally, I am thoroughly unimpressed, disgusted even, by the Public Health Establishment in this Country, and no more so, specifically the BRHD, complicit in a systematic program of Disinformation under the politically-driven, science-averse Northam and Biden Regimes, which have mandated unscientific nonsense and irreparably harmed, in some cases killed, citizens… their role, simply put, is to seek the greatest good and do the least harm for the health and welfare of all, and do so respecting the God-given rights of all, as outlined in the compacts that bind and unite us… certainly not to act as repressive, or subversive, agents of state control, and political propagandists opposed to those same rights, actively demeaning those who impede their oppression and aggression. Particularly disturbing is the role of the UVA Medical Community – not the researchers or care-givers themselves so dedicated to doing God’s work in helping us through the pandemic, but the so-called “leadership”, whose total lack of humility in re what they don’t know, have made absurd, unsubstantiated, often contradictory, declarations in re the efficacy and safety of vaccines, treatments, precautions and provided, knowingly, with malice, in my opinion, support and aid to a political agenda, purely for financial reward and professional esteem. And, last, to our national and local media that has shielded and protected sophistry and failed in its primary responsibility as a check against such tyranny whether from government, industry, education, or shadow political organizations. As this plays out, COVID-19 is not the virus that I loathe or fear most… it is the insidious, pernicious, viral impact of sociopaths at the levers of power. Ironic how history tends to repeat itself, heedless of those rewriting it.

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