Randy Zackrisson announced his write-in candidacy for the Samuel Miller District School Board seat on Wednesday, before an assembled crowd of over 40 concerned citizens at the Albemarle County Office Building. But outside of NBC 29, the Charlottesville media conglomerate has not covered the story.

As of Thursday morning, there was no mention of Zackrisson’s announcement on CBS19 News or in the Daily Progress.

Zackrisson appeared on WCHV radio Thursday morning and is a scheduled guest on WINA’s The Schilling Show later today; although, neither station’s news department was present for the announcement.

At the national level, the story was reported by Breitbart.

In this contentious time and with all local Albemarle seats (save this one) being uncontested on the November ballot, news outlets have a duty to report election-related news. The Daily Progress and CBS 19 in their refusal to cover Zackrisson’s announcement have certified—through omission—their participation in the mainstream media “fake news” cabal.

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