Just days after emphatically claiming that biological females would not be allowed—and biological males would no longer be allowed—shirtless at Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) under the proposed Transgender Policy, the script has flipped in response to more challenging questions on the subject.

The policy’s Dress Code section appears to leave no wiggle-room for differing male-female standards:

The ACPS dress code may not be applied or enforced in a manner that would stereotype or require students to wear different articles of clothing based on gender, gender expression, or gender identity (for example, requiring girls to wear skirts). Students shall have the right to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression. Requirements for attire for school-related programs, activities, and events shall be gender-neutral.

When asked if the new “no bare torso” policy would apply to swimming, the ACPS spokesman demurred:

“This actually is a good question for the Virginia High School League, which sets the standards for athletic competitions for schools across the Commonwealth. We will not be making any changes to our current practices.”

Pressed to clarify the ACPS policy as opposed to the Virginia High School League policy, the spokesman responded:

“No change in our current policies, which do not supersede public nudity laws. Females will not be permitted to swim bare-chested. Males will continue to be permitted to do so.”

A major problem exists, though, in enforcing such-nonsensical rhetoric: How does ACPS determine who or what exactly is a “female”?

The ACPS spokesman clearly had not yet figured that out, as evidenced by his cryptic reply:

“This is one of those areas in which a blanket judgment could not be applied to every possible circumstance. The policy talks about evaluating individual cases on an individual basis. If a student were to come to the school division requesting to compete on a team that differs from their sex at birth, we would consult the Virginia High School League guidance and with our attorney at a minimum before making a decision.

Good question and one that I am sure others would have. It’s why we are hoping this week’s information session will lead to questions from the community that we can answer on our web site prior to next month’s Board meeting.”

So, will biological females be permitted to swim bare-chested when competing in Albemarle County Public Schools events? Given the confused, debased minds and policies of Superintendent Matt Haas and his lap-dog School Board, there appears to be no way to prevent it.


  1. So let me get this straight, our Public Servant Educators need a Lawyer in High School Boys & Girls sports, to determine if a boy or girl can compete in BOY & GIRL sports. When folks had Common Sense and American Judeo-Christian values, this would be a joke at the night club.

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