Michael Anthony Jones, alternatively know as the “Barracks Road Barker” and “Clappy” has been arrested.

The Barker has infamously disrupted traffic and endangered drivers at the corner of Barracks Road and Emmett Street for many months. Following an initial Schilling Show exposé of the Barker’s dangerous street antics, Jones briefly was removed from his daily perch—presumably by law enforcement—and intersection traffic safety returned to normal conditions.

Within a short time, though, Clappy was back at Barracks, intimidating motorists, blocking traffic, urinating in public, and creating hazardous distractions for drivers.

According to Charlottesville Police Department records, on the evening of June 29, Jones was arrested in the 900 Block of Emmett Street and charged with malicious wounding, § 18.2-51, potentially a Class 3 felony.

Shooting, stabbing, etc., with intent to maim, kill, etc.

If any person maliciously shoot, stab, cut, or wound any person or by any means cause him bodily injury, with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable, or kill, he shall, except where it is otherwise provided, be guilty of a Class 3 felony. If such act be done unlawfully but not maliciously, with the intent aforesaid, the offender shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony.

If convicted, Jones faces between five and 20 years in prison and a fine of not more than $100,000.

The Charlottesville Police Department’s ongoing refusal to cite Jones for multiple violations of state and local ordinance—likely in the furtherance of “equity”—has led to a very bad outcome for his victim(s).

Lesson to be learned: Society does not benefit from “compassionate” law enforcement and selective prosecution; and individuals pay a steep price when the rule of law is eschewed in the name of progressive justice.


  1. “multiple violations of state and local ordinance” is suspiciously vague. Tell us exactly what ordinances this man violated that he should by law have been jailed for — that would actually have prevented him from committing this crime.

  2. As usual Ken the Democrat, lazy to the core. Wanting someone else to do the work for you.

    Read the previous coverage.

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