Officer Jeffrey Jaeger’s firing was broadcast Friday by Charlottesville Police Chief RaShall Brackney during a virtual media event.

The Department’s announcement follows a months-long administrative leave without pay and a convoluted path to conviction for Officer Jaeger, who is appealing the judgement against him.

In line with Department protocol, Jaeger filed a use-of-force report after the incident in question. Jaeger’s submission was reviewed by Lieutenant Tony Newberry, Corporal Chris Huber, and Captain Victor Mitchell, all of whom found the officer’s actions were justified by the situation.

Subsequently, Newberry forwarded the review to Chief Brackney via internal memo. Brackney did not contest the submitted analysis.

Following Chief Brackney’s inaction, the incident was put to rest until revived by a retired local attorney who brought concerns directly to Brackney. An internal investigation was re-opened, and after initially being cleared, Officer Jaeger was charged with a crime by the Charlottesville Police Department working in conjunction with the Charlottesville Commonwealth’s Attorney.

During Jaeger’s trial, Lieutenant Newberry testified that Jaeger’s actions were reasonable and discerningly preemptive given the setting:

“After seeing the escalation of the situation, it appears far more reasonable that Officer Jaeger reacted so quickly to remove the suspect from the heated area.”

“Failure to do so could have led to a violent encounter between the suspect and other individuals.”

Newberry also elaborated on the situational nature of using “force”:

“I think the initial call for service was domestic related, which when I look at use of force or a response to resistance, I have to look at the totality of the circumstances.  I have to take into effect things like Graham v. Connor, reasonableness, and again, the totality.  So what was the entire call.  What was going on.  So the underlying call is domestic.  Those can be more violent in nature.”

“You do sometimes use your surroundings based on officer safety and different ways of dealing with someone.  In a scenario like this, and what my recommendation was when I wrote it, was that he escorted the suspect to the barrier—it was not a wall but a barrier wrapped around the garbage area—and used that as a way to stabilize the person, gain control of the person while he could handcuff him and another officer could come assist.”

In a further line of court questioning, Newberry was asked to clarify that in the course of their review of Jaeger’s report, he and his superiors found no policy violations on Jaeger’s part:

Question: “Now this report here is to Captain Mitchell and Chief Brackney from you?”
Answer: “Yes.”

Question: “And did you find any violations of policy on Mr. Jaeger’s behalf in that incident?” (in reference to the submitted report)
Answer: “I did not.”

Citing a discretionary exemption, the Charlottesville Police Department has refused multiple requests to release corresponding body camera video from Jaeger and other attending officers.

Jaeger’s court appeal likely will be heard in coming months.


  1. Not knowing specifics i’ll venture that the cop was WHITE the perp was BLACK and the lawyer was that ambulance chasing liberal self hating white lawyer jeff fogel who hates the cops, loves the black criminals in this town and is happy to put a white cop out of work and soak the city for money.

  2. Not knowing the specifics of the case didn’t slow you down forming a strong opinion. Might want to tone it down a bit until you know more.

  3. Since when did knowing the specifics about a subject become a requirement for strong opinionating? All we have to do is turn on the TV, bring up the internet, or read the local paper to see prominent figures seeking to make a name for themselves or patting themselves on the backs by throwing the ole race card on the table. When the highest office holders in the land make everything about race, it should come as no surprise when the masses follow suit. Your post is spot on but sadly IMO it’s wishful thinking. I do strongly suspect however that Bill has correctly identified the ‘retired’ lawyer behind this case.

  4. CPD If this IS how you treat your own kind why do you think the streets of charlottesville would trust you. and here you have individuals throughout the city sticking their necks out for the sake of the young kids, as well as my kids, one thing for sure it’s a statement within itself. Fruit to ponder and I’m always thinking if you throw your own officer under the bus wonder how many of our children was ACTUALLY INNOCENT???

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