A special Facebook LIVE presentation, recorded August 8, 2020: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors recently enacted an ordinance mandating mask-wearing in many instances. Now, they’ve hired the new “brownshirts” (Ambassadors) to enforce the draconian law against citizens and businesses alike. In this video, Rob Schilling details the tactics, cost, and dangers of the Ambassador program, which could land non-compliers in jail for up to a year, with an accompanying fine of $2500. “Show me your papers…”

NOTE: Businesses may opt-out of the Ambassador program, per Albemarle County spokesperson:

The COVID-19 Safety Ambassador program procedure is to call ahead to businesses to let them know in the next few days, someone would be stopping by. At that point, the business can decline the visit. If a business wants to indicate proactively that they do not want to be on the business list, they can email covidconcerns@albemarle.org.

Read the supporting documentation referenced in the video:

C19 Ambassador Program Training document

Albemarle County Ambassador Contract with RMC Events


  1. Rob, if they ask to see your medical documentation of why you can not wear a mask, they are violating federal law under the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act(HIPAA). You do not have to provide that information. Many of the folks I know are aware and we will not comply with any instructions from these folks. They are not trained, sworn police officers as you know. I am not sure about this, but I have been told that if they take videos or photos of you without your permission, you can sue them. I am researching that at this time. Anyway, we need to put a stop to Radical Ralphie and his cohorts in the Albemarle BOS and Charlottesville silly Council. I am in the process of contacting ACLJ regarding this to see if it is something they would consider taking on.

  2. I would like to know why at least one (and probably more) nursing home in cville has been taking in covid-19 patients, when everyone knows by now the elderly are the most at risk. Why do they get away with this (lax protection for employees as well) when the rest of us get stuck with repressive mask laws? Where are the “ambassadors” when it comes to a major outbreak potential. Oh, I know, follow the $$. Good luck getting any response from the county on this, but someone should investigate…they are endangering people on the one hand and “protecting” all of us on the other, yeah right.

  3. I would like to know why at least one (and probably more) nursing home in cville has been taking in covid-19 patients

    Because they’re “nursing”homes, and some Covid patients need nursing. The elderly can be kept safe by having everyone wear masks, which is why it’s inadvisable to visit a nursing home staffed by the I-got-my-rights-and-I’m-going-to-exercise-them-even-if-it-kills-you-ungodly-liberals crowd.

    Where are the “ambassadors” when it comes to a major outbreak potential.

    You mean like old people breaking out and deliberately infecting people by not wearing masks?

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